This is a port of MSR Cambridge's TrueSkill Through Time algorithm from F# to Scala. The port simplifies the code for use in the Cal Squash box league rankings.
Example usage (try it out with sbt console
import com.ankurdave.ttt._
import com.ankurdave.ttt.implicits._
import java.time.YearMonth
val games = new Games(Seq(
Game(YearMonth.of(2017, 1), PlayerId("A"), PlayerId("B")),
Game(YearMonth.of(2017, 1), PlayerId("C"), PlayerId("D")),
Game(YearMonth.of(2017, 1), PlayerId("E"), PlayerId("F")),
Game(YearMonth.of(2017, 2), PlayerId("B"), PlayerId("C")),
Game(YearMonth.of(2017, 2), PlayerId("D"), PlayerId("E"))))
val skillVariables = new TTT(games).run()
skillVariables((YearMonth.of(2017, 2), PlayerId("B")))
// res0: com.ankurdave.ttt.Gaussian = Gaussian(mu=16.374122, sigma=3.501964)
skillVariables((YearMonth.of(2017, 2), PlayerId("D")))
// res1: com.ankurdave.ttt.Gaussian = Gaussian(mu=14.698318, sigma=3.375058)