1.0.4 (Not Apache Release)
- [EasyScheduler-198] The process definition list is sorted according to the timing status and update time.
- [EasyScheduler-419] Fix online creation of files, hdfs file not created, but returned successfully
- [[EasyScheduler-481]] (#481) Fix the problem that the job cannot be offline at a time.
- [EasyScheduler-425] Add kill to its child process when killing a task
- [EasyScheduler-422] Fixed an issue where the update time and size were not updated when updating the resource file
- [EasyScheduler-431] Fix the problem of deleting the tenant if the hdfs is not started when deleting the tenant
- The message header in the sql task adds support for custom variables.
- If the mail in the sql task fails, the sql task is failed.
- Modify the replacement rule of the custom variable in the sql task, support the replacement of multiple single quotes and double quotes
- When creating a resource file, increase the verification that the resource file already exists on hdfs
- The shell process exits, the yarn state is not final and waits for judgment.
- [EasyScheduler-198] 流程定义列表根据定时状态和更新时间进行排序
- [EasyScheduler-419] 修复在线创建文件,hdfs文件未创建,却返回成功
- [EasyScheduler-481]修复job不存在定时无法下线的问题
- [EasyScheduler-425] kill任务时增加对其子进程的kill
- [EasyScheduler-422] 修复更新资源文件时更新时间和大小未更新的问题
- [EasyScheduler-431] 修复删除租户时,如果未启动hdfs,则删除租户失败的问题
- sql任务中的邮件标题增加了对自定义变量的支持
- sql任务中的发邮件失败,则此sql任务为失败
- 修改sql任务中自定义变量的替换规则,支持多个单引号和双引号的替换
- 创建资源文件时,增加对该资源文件是否在hdfs上已存在的验证
- shell进程退出,yarn状态非终态等待判断