New Features
- Add dubbo-go-cli telnet tool
- Add Prox ImplementFunc to allow override impl
- Add read configuration path from the command line when start
- Add use invoker with same ip as client first
- Add an "api way" to set general configure
- Add registry ip:port set from enviroment variable
- introduce ConfigPostProcessor extension
- Impl extension of two urls comparison
- using event-driven to let router send signal to notify channel
- lint codes
- Imp: destroy invoker smoothly
- Improve config center
- Fix: generic struct2MapAll key of map keep type
- Fix: when events empty, delete all the invokers
- Fix: file service discovery run in windows
- Fix: make metadata report work without serviceDiscovery
- Fix: consumer invoker cache set nil after the ZK connection is lost
- Fix: integration test in Github action
- Fix: etcd exit panic
- Fix: when connect to provider fail, will occur panic
- Fix: support getty send Length, when the data transfer failed
- Fix: RPCInvocation.ServiceKey use PATH_KEY instead of INTERFACE_KEY
- Fix: zk too many tcp conn
- Fix: fix zk listener func pathToKey
- Fix: graceful shutdown
- Fix: nacos service provider does not require subscribe
- Fix: key of generic map convert is more general
- Fix: body buffer too short
- Bump dubbo-go-hessian2 from v1.9.0-rc1 to v1.9.1
- Bump github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go from 1.0.5 to v1.0.7