Releases: apache/pulsar-client-node
Releases · apache/pulsar-client-node
What's Changed
- Bump the master version to 1.13.0 by @shibd in #393
- Support set log level of cpp client by @shibd in #398
- [improve][client] Adding support for token supplier for the AuthenticationToken by @Bouk250 in #395
- Update cpp client to 3.7.0 by @shibd in #401
- add schema producer and consumer example by @shibd in #402
- Fix message might lost when use listener (@shibd in #406
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.12.0...v1.13.0
What's Changed
- Bump the master version to 1.12.0 by @shibd in #373
- [feat] Add listenerName to client config by @roryschadler in #375
- fix: ReaderListenerProxy will make a segfault by @shibd in #376
- Bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 by @dependabot in #377
- fix: Compatible with Node 12.3.0 and higher versions. by @shibd in #378
- feat: Use macos-arm64 github runnner to build napi package by @shibd in #386
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #387
- Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 by @dependabot in #388
- fix: Compile glibc binaries using node:buster instead of centos7 by @shibd in #389
- [feat] Support HTTP basic for node client by @raymondBourges in #391
- Bump cpp client version to v3.6.0 by @shibd in #392
New Contributors
- @roryschadler made their first contribution in #375
- @raymondBourges made their first contribution in #391
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0
What's Changed
- Bump the master version to 1.11.0 by @shibd in #363
- [docs] Fix the build process on macOS by @BewareMyPower in #364
- Add api docs section for release process. by @shibd in #365
- Bump cpp client version to 3.5.1 by @BewareMyPower in #370
- [feat] Add listenerName to client config by @roryschadler in #375
- fix: ReaderListenerProxy will make a segfault by @shibd in #376
- fix: Compatible with Node 12.3.0 and higher versions by @shibd in #378
New Contributors
- @roryschadler made their first contribution in #375
Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.11.0
- About changes in the C++ dependency: apache/pulsar-client-cpp@v3.4.2...v3.5.1
What's Changed
- Bump the master version to 1.10.0 by @shibd in #336
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #337
- Upgrade semver by @massakam in #338
- Fix build macOS napi CI failed. by @shibd in #341
- Use license-checker directly instead of grunt-license-report by @massakam in #340
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.8 to 7.23.2 by @dependabot in #346
- Upgrade license-check-and-add to 4.0.5 by @massakam in #347
- [fix] Fixed an potential issue of examples/consumer_listener.js where clients were unintentionally disconnected by @kontotto in #351
- [ci] use python-3.10 by @hrsakai in #353
- Bump cpp client version to 3.4.1 by @shibd in #356
- Add type definition for AthenzX509Config by @hrsakai in #358
- feat: Support batch receive for consumer. by @shibd in #357
- Bump cpp client version to 3.4.2 by @shibd in #361
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0
What's Changed
- [upgrade] Bump json5 and tsconfig-paths @dependabot in #270
- [improve] Add schema typing to consumer and producer @romainbrancourt in #278
- [refactor] optimize ci and build from source code. @shibd in #280
- [fix] where the latest client does not work on Rocky Linux 8 @massakam in #285
- [fix] Rename binary module_name from Pulsar to pulsar @hrsakai in #290
- [upgrade] Upgrade cpp client version to 3.1.1 @shibd in #292
- [upgrade] Upgrade ansi-regex @hrsakai in #293
- [fix] Remove unnecessary / at the end of CPP_CLIENT_BASE_URL @massakam in #294
- [fix] Fix the binary host url @RobertIndie in #295
- [fix] Make it compatible with GLIBCXX_3.4.19 (CentOS 7) @BewareMyPower in #288
- [upgrade] Upgrade cpp client version to 3.1.2 @shibd in #297
- [fix] Use the certificate provided by the node.js @shibd in #301
- [fix] Fix error when falling back to local build @massakam in #302
- [fix] not compatible with alpine 3.15 env @shibd #304
- [fix] Wrap c++ exception when creating client. @shibd in #307
- [fix] Fix symbols conflict of OpenSSL. @shibd in #310
- [fix] Add tests for produce and consume with TLS enabled @massakam in #313
- [docs] add typedoc to generate apidoc @tisonkun in #314
- [fix] Fix message listener doesn't respect receiver queue size @RobertIndie in #309
- [fix] Fix reader message listener doesn't respect receiver queue size @RobertIndie in #316
- [fix] Add NOTICE file. @shibd in #317
- [improve] Add error handling for the message listener @RobertIndie in #319
- [feat] Add partitioned topic unit test for Reader. @shibd in #329
- [fix] Fix CI always failed. @shibd in #333
- [feat] Support batch index ack. @shibd in #332
- [feat] Support producer access mode. @shibd in #331
- [feat] Support pattern subscription non persistent topic. @shibd in #334
- [feat] Support dead letter topic. @shibd in #335
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- [upgrade] Bump json5 and tsconfig-paths @dependabot in #270
- [fix] not compatible with alpine 3.15 env @shibd in #304
- [fix] Wrap c++ exception when creating client @shibd in #307
- [fix] Fix message listener doesn't respect receiver queue size @RobertIndie in #309
- [fix] symbols conflict of OpenSSL @shibd in #310
- [fix] Add tests for produce and consume with TLS enabled @massakam in #313
- [docs] add typedoc to generate apidoc in @Tison #314
- [fix] Fix reader message listener doesn't respect receiver queue size @RobertIndie in #316
- [fix] Add NOTICE file @shibd in #317
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- [refactor] optimize ci and build from source code by @shibd in #280
- [fix] an issue where the latest client does not work on Rocky Linux 8 by @massakam in #285
- [fix] Make it compatible with GLIBCXX_3.4.19 (CentOS 7) by @BewareMyPower in #288
- [refactor] Rename binary module_name from Pulsar to pulsar by @hrsakai in #290
- [refactor] Update the release process by @RobertIndie in #291
- [feat] Upgrade cpp client version to 3.1.1 by @shibd in #292
- [fix] Remove unnecessary / at the end of CPP_CLIENT_BASE_URL by @massakam in #294
- [fix] Fix the binary host url by @RobertIndie in #295
- [feat] Upgrade cpp client version to 3.1.2 by @shibd in #297
- [refactor] Optimize release process by @shibd in #298
- [fix] Use the certificate provided by the node.js by @shibd in #301
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- [feat] Add chunking support by @RobertIndie in #234
- [feat] Napi support package c++ static binary by @shibd in #235
- [feat] Support windows build napi of static link c++ lib by @shibd in #238
- [refactor] Modify the README to apply the new installation method by @shibd in #239
- [feat] Add support for seeking by message ID by @RobertIndie in #241
- [refactor] Fetch C++ client official release by @shibd in #244
- [feat] Support consumer seek by timestamp and reader seek by @RobertIndie in #247
- [feat] Support prebuild macOS-arm64 arch binaries by @shibd in #250
- [fix] Upgrade the version of OpenSSL that compiles MacOS CPP client dependencies by @shibd in #251
- [improve] Use async C function in the Consumer#receive method by @equanz in #252
- [feat] Add example for custom logger and LogLevel#toString by @RobertIndie in #253
- [fix] Fix windows default download CPP client failed by @shibd in #257
- [refactor] Remove useless dependencies. by @shibd in #258
- [refactor] Refactor the CPP client version controlling in the build script by @RobertIndie in #259
- [improve] Bump async from 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 by @nkurihar in #261
- [fix] Add license headers by @nkurihar in #262
Full Changelog:
1.7.0 — 2022-10-20
- Support seting topic schema when creating producers/consumers #223
- convert worker threads to async functions #200
- Respect maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions #231
- Add null check for consumer in MessageListenerProxy #219
For a complete list of issues fixed, see