This is my master thesis project.
Osiris is a deterministic data structure for performing range emptiness queries over keyset. It is based on compact storing of a keyset trie using key-values stores, that don't store keys explicitly.
It is headers-only library, to use just include it:
#include "/include/osiris.h"
To use it, prepare your keyset as a sorted std::vector of std::strings.
Note: The keyset must be ordered in lexicographical order, where every character is unsigned.
std::vector<std::string> keyset = ...; // key set to work with
OsirisFitler* filter = osiris::build(keyset);
Osiris supports 3 types of query:
- Point query (check if the key exists)
- Prefix query (check if there is a key with the given prefix)
- Range query (check if there is a key within the given range)
For performing point query use:
std::string key = ...; // key to search for
bool result = filter->pointQuery(key); // checks if the key exists
Result variable stores true iff the key belongs to the keyset.
For performing prefix query use:
std::string key = ...; // key to search for
bool result = filter->prefixQuery(key); // checks if the key exists
For performing range query use:
std::string left = ...;
std::string right = ...;
bool result = filter->rangeQuery(left, includeLeft, right, includeRight);
Result variable stores true iff there is any key in the keyset that belongs to the range. includeLeft and includeRight flags help to make segment closed or open.
For serialization and deserialization use:
std::pair<uint8_t*, size_t> data = filter->serialize();
It returns pointer to byte array, where the structure is stored and size of the array.
For deserialization use:
uint8_t* data = ...; // restore serialized structure
OsirisFilter* filter = osiris::deserialize(data); // deserialize it to the class
More examples can be found here.
To do some performance tests use: bench/
To run filter with debug log, compile with flag OSIRIS_ENABLE_DEBUG
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.