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@tkountis tkountis released this 11 Oct 23:29
· 472 commits to main since this release

This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


Behavior changes

  • 07a41d5 - Move HTTP proxy CONNECT logic before ConnectionFactoryFilters (#2697)
    • Previously, it was possible to use ConnectionFactoryFilter(s) to intercept HTTP CONNECT requests to a proxy. In this release, CONNECT requests are handled internally and they are not visible to users. (#2711) adds ConnectionObserver.ProxyConnectObserver to observe such requests, but if you have a different use-case that is not covered anymore (like setting auth headers), let us know by opening an issue.
  • 66f838c - Add ConnectionObserver.ProxyConnectObserver (#2711)
    • The sequence of ConnectionObserver callbacks for proxy tunneled connections has changed in this release. Previously, those connections triggered connectionEstablished, then onSecurityHandshake, and were ready to serve traffic only after handshakeComplete callback. New behavior is that connections are always ready to serve traffic after either connectionEstablished or multiplexedConnectionEstablished callback is invoked.

API deprecations

  • a726670 - Deprecate HttpContextKeys.HTTP_TARGET_ADDRESS_BEHIND_PROXY (#2722)
    • This key was useful to distinguish the correct callback inside ConnectionObserver before reporting that a new connection is ready to take traffic. After (#2711) this is not necessary anymore because all connections are "ready" after "established" callback is invoked. Target address information will be provided via ConnectionObserver.onProxyConnect(...).
  • 1a65e86 - Improve exceptions thrown when an error happens during proxy CONNECT (#2721)
    • Deprecated io.servicetalk.http.netty.ProxyResponseException
    • Introduced io.servicetalk.http.api.ProxyConnectResponseException and io.servicetalk.http.api.ProxyConnectException instead
  • 4fb2ac1 - ConnectionObserver: provide ConnectionInfo on transport handshake (#2726)
    • Deprecated ConnectionObserver.onTransportHandshakeComplete()
    • Introduced ConnectionObserver.onTransportHandshakeComplete(ConnectionInfo) instead

New features

  • 055374e - Implement HTTP proxy CONNECT with ALPN (#2699)
    • Users can use either HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, or gRPC protocol after establishing a secure tunnel through a proxy.
  • 6d38417 - Support proxy for plaintext HTTP/2 clients with prior-knowledge (#2716)
  • 66f838c - Add ConnectionObserver.ProxyConnectObserver (#2711)
  • 4fb2ac1 - ConnectionObserver: provide ConnectionInfo on transport handshake (#2726)
  • da1ea3b - Add Publisher.replay (#2684)
  • b576131 - Add Publisher.onCompleteError (#2723)
  • ec3c64a - Introduce tmp properties for Netty decoderEnforceMaxRstFramesPerWindow (#2728)
    • Netty version was upgraded to mitigate recently discovered "HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack" (CVE-2023-44487). While Netty added configuration options for netty-codec-http2 to control RST frames per time window, ServiceTalk introduced temporary system properties to let users change those options when they need to change the default values set by Netty:
      • -Dio.servicetalk.http.netty.http2.decoderEnforceMaxRstFramesPerWindow.maxConsecutiveEmptyFrames=200
      • -Dio.servicetalk.http.netty.http2.decoderEnforceMaxRstFramesPerWindow.secondsPerWindow=30

Bug Fixes

  • 4db1dab - TLS handshake failures are not reported to observers when ALPN is used (#2712)


  • b1dda8c - Use ChannelCloseUtils in SniCompleteChannelSingle (#2714)
  • ee7db1e - Trigger channel read for TLS handshake only on the server-side (#2713)
  • 2aacf9e - Remove unnecessary proxyAddress from HttpClientBuildContext (#2720)
  • d8e55aa - Use Publisher.replay operator (#2700)
  • c92941c - ReplayStrategies.LazyTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator trims and accumulate (#2725)


Build/Release/Github actions

Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.
