Docker file for GPGPU-Sim dev version, with ubuntu 16.04, CUDA 9.1
Step 1: check if the docker image for ubuntu:16.04 exists with
docker image ls
If it doesn't exists, pull it with
docker pull ubuntu:16.04
Step 2: download the "Dockerfile", navigate to the directory where you store it, and build the image with
docker build -t image_name .
The building process may take around 1 hour, for it has to download and install the CUDA Toolkit.
Step 3: create a container of the image with
docker run -v host_dir:container_dir -it --name container_name image_name
After entering the container, the GPGPU-Sim can be built with the commands as follows
source setup_environment
To verify whether gpgpu-sim is successfully setup, use
and you are expected to get