We obtain the kernel duration with NVIDIA Nsight Compute. Profiling with Nsight Compute requires access to the performance counters on the GPU (Permission issue with Performance Counters). This should be configured on the machine outside of the container.
To check if the performance is accessible, run
cat /proc/driver/nvidia/params | grep RmProfilingAdminOnly
You should see
RmProfilingAdminOnly: 0
Otherwise, the access can be granted with the following steps:
- Create .conf file (e.g. profile.conf) in folder /etc/modprobe.d
- Open file /etc/modprobe.d/profile.conf in any editor
- Add below line in profile.conf
options nvidia “NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=0”
- Close file /etc/modprobe.d/profile.conf
- Restart your machine
For more information, please see nvprof-warning-the-user-does-not-have-permission-to-profile-on-the-target-device and Permission issue with Performance Counters.
Step 1: Get the source code
git clone https://github.com/apuaaChen/vectorSparse.git && cd vectorSparse
Step 2: We provides a Dockerfile that builds the proper environment with all dependencies. Note that nvidia-docker must be installed to run on GPU. To build the image, run the following command:
docker build -t vectorsparse .
Step 3: Get The dataset We use the Deep Learning Matrix Collection. Please download the dataset and put it into the directory <host_dataset_dir>. The directory will be something like <host_dataset_dir>/dlmc/rn50/....
Step 4: To launch the container
docker run -it --gpus all --name <your_container_name> -v <host_dataset_dir>:/raid/datasets -v <host_dir>/vectorSparse:/projects/vectorSparse vectorsparse
So that in the container, the sparse matrices will be available at /raid/datasets/dlmc/rn50/...
Step 5: Compile the source code with
cd vectorSparse
bash setup.sh
Step 6.1: To obtain the results in Figure 17, run
python3 launch.py --exp spmm
This script will launch all the experiments sequentially. For each experiment, the profiling result is stored in a .csv
file under the ./csv
directory. We present an example csv file in the ./example
. When all the experiments are done, another python script will be lauched to fetch the kernel durations in the csv files, and summarize the results as a figure in spmm_speedup_rn50_combo.pdf
Step 6.2: To obtain the results in Figure 18, run
python3 launch.py --exp sddmm
The result will be shown in sddmm_speedup_rn50_combo.pdf
The DLMC dataset and sputnik library are from this paper
author = {Trevor Gale and Matei Zaharia and Cliff Young and Erich Elsen},
title = {Sparse {GPU} Kernels for Deep Learning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, {SC} 2020},
year = {2020},
We demonstrate how to use our kernels in Sparse Transformer with fixed mask in here.