Find a Friend App.
It should be possible to register a PET
It should be possible to list all pets available for adoption in a city
It should be possible to filter pets by characteristics
It should be possible to get details from a pet
It should be possible to sign up as an ORG
It should be possible to sign in as an ORG
User can't register with an already used e-mail
To list pets, a city must be informed
An ORG must have address and whatsapp number
A pet must be linked to an ORG
An ORG must be signed in to access application as admin
ORGs should be identified with JWT
ORGs' password should be encrypted
App data should be persisted in a PostgreSQL database
API Server with Fastify
Validation with Zod
Environment variables
Vitest and Supertest for tests
Prisma ORM
Database with docker
Eslint for clear and padronized coding
Fastify/jwt and Fastify/cookie for org's login
SOLID architecture
Unit tests
Use cases architecture
Repository pattern architecture