Bitwiser is an simple library for operations bit-to-bit (bitwise) and byte-to-byte (here is call bytewise).
Wrap operations bitwise and support a help for n-bytes operations.
- BitOperation interface - allows bitwise operations using literal name (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT);
- ByteOperation interface - allows n-bytes operations using literal name (idem);
- Bytes struct - wrap an bytes array that is used in n-bytes operations.
type BitOperation interface{
And(byte, byte)byte
Or(byte, byte)byte
Xor(byte, byte)byte
ShiftLeft (byte, uint)byte
ShiftRight (byte, uint)byte
type Bytes struct {
b []byte
s int
type ByteOperation interface{
And(Bytes, Bytes)(*Bytes, error)
Or(Bytes, Bytes)(*Bytes, error)
Xor(Bytes, Bytes)(*Bytes, error)
Not(Bytes)(*Bytes, error)
ShiftLeft (Bytes, uint)(*Bytes, error)
ShiftRight (Bytes, uint)(*Bytes, error)
Download code source by command:
$ go get -u
Create an BitOperation or an ByteOperation using the follows funcs:
bitOp := bitwiser.NewBitOperation()
bytOp := bitwiser.NewByteOperation()
After just call methods and the params in byte or bytes(bitwiser.Bytes) according to your need.
AND Bitwise operation:
package main
import (
func main(){
op := bitwiser.NewBitOperation()
rs := op.And(0x10, 0x10)
println(fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", rs)) //output: 0x10
XOR and AND Bitwise operation:
package main
import (
func main(){
op := bitwiser.NewBitOperation()
rs := op.Xor(0x11, op.And(0x10, 0x10))
println(fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", rs)) //output: 0x01 or 0x1
XOR and AND 'Bytewise' operation for long bytes like descript in Stackoverflow:
package main
import (
func main() {
x := []byte{0x01, 0x11, 0x00} // 0x011100
y := []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x11} // 0x000011
op := bitwiser.NewByteOperation()
rs, _ := op.Or(bitwiser.NewBytes(x), bitwiser.NewBytes(y))
println(fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", rs.Array())) //output: 0x011111
println(rs.ToString()) //output: 0x011111
println(rs.ToInt()) //output: 69905 (base 10)
Parse Bytes from string (of bits)
package main
import (
func main() {
b0, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("0 011100") //auto-complete for 8-multiple --> 0001 1100
b1, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("0001 1100") //remove spaces --> 0001 1100
b2, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("1 001 1100") //remove spaces and fix size --> 1001 1100
b3, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("0001001 1100") //remove spaces and fix size --> 0000 1001 1100
b4, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("11111001 1100") //remove spaces and fix size --> 1111 1001 1100
b5, _ := bitwiser.ParseFromBits("1101001 1100") //remove spaces and fix size --> 0110 1001 1100
println(b0.ToString()) //output: 0x1c (len(array) = 1byte)
println(b1.ToString()) //output: 0x1c (len(array) = 1byte)
println(b2.ToString()) //output: 0x9c (len(array) = 1byte)
println(b3.ToString()) //output: 0x009c (len(array) = 2bytes)
println(b4.ToString()) //output: 0x0f9c (len(array) = 2bytes)
println(b5.ToString()) //output: 0x069c (len(array) = 2bytes)