In the Medical Supply Chain, there are multiple entities such as the drug manufacturers, wholesellers, pharmacies and patients. These entities share data about the pill as it moves through the chain. However, there are cases where entities want to keep some data about the pill hidden from the other entities. Consider the instance where a manufacturer have negotiated different price rates with the wholesellers. They wouldn't want the different wholesellers to be able to see the various drug rates negotiated. Having all entities on the same channel of the blockchain would inherently make every transaction between any two entities, visible to every other entity. With the introduction of private data collections, certain data parts associated with a given transaction, can be kept private from other entities.
In this pattern, we showcase 1 manufacturer, 2 wholesalers, 1 pharmacy and 1 patient connected on the same channel on a blockchain ledger. The manufacturer generates a new drug pill, and sells it at different prices to the two wholesellers. Only the manufacturer and the patient have visibility to the two negotiated prices for this example.
This code pattern is for developers who want to learn how to use the private data collections feature introduced into Hyperledger Fabric. When you have completed it, you will understand how to:
- Create multiple organizations with the IBM Blockchain Platform.
- Create a VueJS web app that has multiple dashboards on a Single Page Application, which can communicate in realtime with each other.
- Create a NodeJS server that is deployed to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud.
- Use private data collections to enforce data privacy between organizations on the same channel.
- The blockchain operator creates a IBM Kubernetes Service cluster and an IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 service.
- The IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 creates a Hyperledger Fabric network on an IBM Kubernetes Service, and the operator installs and instantiates the smart contract on the network.
- The Node.js application server uses the Fabric SDK to interact with the deployed network on IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0.
- The React UI uses the Node.js application API to interact and submit transactions to the network.
- The user interacts with the supply chain application web interface to update and query the blockchain ledger and state.
- IBM Blockchain Platform gives you total control of your blockchain network with a user interface that can simplify and accelerate your journey to deploy and manage blockchain components on the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
- IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service creates a cluster of compute hosts and deploys highly available containers. A Kubernetes cluster lets you securely manage the resources that you need to quickly deploy, update, and scale applications.
- Nodejs is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code server-side.
- Vuejs is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
- Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end Web framework. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
- Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as Containerization.
- IBM Cloud account
- Docker - latest
- Docker Compose - latest
- NPM - latest
- nvm - latest
- Node.js - Node v8.9.x
- Git client - latest
- Create IBM Cloud services
- Build a network - Certificate Authority
- Build a network - Create MSP Definitions
- Build a network - Create Peers
- Build a network - Create Orderer
- Build a network - Create and Join Channel
- Deploy Smart Contract on the network
- Connect application to the network
- Enroll App Admin Identities
- Run the application
Important Note: This pattern is more advanced because it uses four organizations. For this reason, you will likely have to get a paid kubernetes cluster to run this pattern on the cloud, since a free cluster will not have the CPU/storage necessary to deploy all of the pods that we need to run this pattern. There are other patterns that leverage a free Kubernetes cluster (and only two organizations), so if you want to try that one out first, go here.
Create the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. You can find the service in the
. -
Once you reach the create a new cluster page you will need to do the following:
- Choose standard cluster type
- Fill out cluster name
- choose Geography: North America
- Choose Location and availability: Multizone
- Choose Metro: Dallas
- Choose Worker nodes: Dallas 10 only
- Choose Master service endpoint: Both private & public endpoints
- Choose Default worker pool
- Choose Master service endpoint: Both private & public endpoints
- Choose Flavor
- Choose Encrypt local disk Yes
- Choose Worker nodes 3
- Click on create cluster. The cluster takes around 15-20 minutes to provision, so please be patient!
After your kubernetes cluster is up and running, you can deploy your IBM Blockchain Platform V2 Beta on the cluster. The service walks through few steps and finds your cluster on the IBM Cloud to deploy the service on.
Once the Blockchain Platform is deployed on the Kubernetes cluster, you can launch the console to start operating on your blockchain network.
We will build a network as provided by the IBM Blockchain Platform documentation. This will include creating a channel with a single peer organization with its own MSP and CA (Certificate Authority), and an orderer organization with its own MSP and CA. We will create the respective identities to deploy peers and operate nodes.
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a Display name of
Manufacturer CA
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a Display name of
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a Display name of
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a Display name of
Pharmacy CA
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a Display name of
Patient CA
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- Select the Manufacturer CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our Organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofmanufacturerAdminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofmanufacturerPeerpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Select the W1 CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our W1 Organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofw1Adminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofw1Peerpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Select the W2 CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our W2 Organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofw2Adminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofw2Peerpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Select the Pharmacy CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our Pharmacy Organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofpharmacyAdminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofpharmacyPeerpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Select the Patient CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our Patient Organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofpatientAdminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofpatientPeerpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
- Enter the MSP Display name as
Manufacturer MSP
and an MSP ID ofmanufacturermsp
. - Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created
Manufacturer CA
as the root CA for the organization. - Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin,
. Then, give the Identity name,Manufacturer Admin
. - Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.
- Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
- Enter the MSP Display name as
Shop MSP
and an MSP ID ofshopmsp
. - Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created
Shop CA
as the root CA for the organization. - Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin,
. Then, give the Identity name,Shop Admin
. - Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.
- Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
- Enter the MSP Display name as
Repair Shop MSP
and an MSP ID ofrepairshopmsp
. - Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created
Repair Shop CA
as the root CA for the organization. - Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin,
. Then, give the Identity name,Repair Shop Admin
. - Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.
- Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
- Enter the MSP Display name as
Police MSP
and an MSP ID ofpolicemsp
. - Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created
Police CA
as the root CA for the organization. - Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin,
. Then, give the Identity name,Police Admin
. - Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.
Create an manufacturer peer
- On the Nodes page, click Add peer.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create a new peer and Next.
- Give your peer a Display name of
Manufacturer Peer
. - On the next screen, select
Manufacturer CA
as your Certificate Authority. Then, give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your peer,manufacturerPeer
, andmanufacturerPeerpw
. Then, select the Administrator Certificate (from MSP),Manufacturer MSP
, from the drop-down list and click Next. - Give the TLS Enroll ID,
, and TLS Enroll secret,adminpw
, the same values are the Enroll ID and Enroll secret that you gave when creating the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. - The last side panel will ask you to Associate an identity and make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity
Manufacturer Admin
. - Review the summary and click Submit.
Create a shop peer (same process as shown in gif above)
- On the Nodes page, click Add peer.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create a new peer and Next.
- Give your peer a Display name of
Shop Peer
. - On the next screen, select
Shop CA
as your Certificate Authority. Then, give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your peer,shopPeer
, andshopPeerpw
. Then, select the Administrator Certificate (from MSP),Shop MSP
, from the drop-down list and click Next. - Give the TLS Enroll ID,
, and TLS Enroll secret,adminpw
, the same values are the Enroll ID and Enroll secret that you gave when creating the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. - The last side panel will ask you to Associate an identity and make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity
Shop Admin
. - Review the summary and click Submit.
Create a repair shop peer (same process as shown in gif above)
- On the Nodes page, click Add peer.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create a new peer and Next.
- Give your peer a Display name of
Repair Shop Peer
. - On the next screen, select
Repair Shop CA
as your Certificate Authority. Then, give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your peer,repairShopPeer
, andrepairShopPeerpw
. Then, select the Administrator Certificate (from MSP),Repair Shop MSP
, from the drop-down list and click Next. - Give the TLS Enroll ID,
, and TLS Enroll secret,adminpw
, the same values are the Enroll ID and Enroll secret that you gave when creating the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. - The last side panel will ask you to Associate an identity and make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity
Repair Shop Admin
. - Review the summary and click Submit.
Create a police peer (same process as shown in gif above)
- On the Nodes page, click Add peer.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create a new peer and Next.
- Give your peer a Display name of
Police Peer
. - On the next screen, select
Police CA
as your Certificate Authority. Then, give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your peer,policePeer
, andpolicePeerpw
. Then, select the Administrator Certificate (from MSP),Police MSP
, from the drop-down list and click Next. - Give the TLS Enroll ID,
, and TLS Enroll secret,adminpw
, the same values are the Enroll ID and Enroll secret that you gave when creating the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. - The last side panel will ask you to Associate an identity and make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity
Police Admin
. - Review the summary and click Submit.
- Click Add Certificate Authority.
- Click IBM Cloud under Create Certificate Authority and Next.
- Give it a unique Display name of
Orderer CA
. - Specify an Admin ID of
and Admin Secret ofadminpw
- In the Nodes tab, select the Orderer CA Certificate Authority that we created.
- First, we will register an admin for our organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret ofordereradminpw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity asclient
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank. - We will repeat the process to create an identity of the orderer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of
, and Enroll Secret oforderer1pw
. Click Next. Set the Type for this identity aspeer
and selectorg1
from the affiliated organizations drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments and Add Attributes fields blank.
- Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
- Enter the MSP Display name as
Orderer MSP
and an MSP ID oforderermsp
. - Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created
Orderer CA
as the root CA for the organization. - Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin,
. Then, give the Identity name,Orderer Admin
. - Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.
- On the Nodes page, click Add orderer.
- Click IBM Cloud and proceed with Next.
- Give your peer a Display name of
. - On the next screen, select
Orderer CA
as your Certificate Authority. Then, give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your orderer,orderer1
, andorderer1pw
. Then, select the Administrator Certificate (from MSP),Orderer MSP
, from the drop-down list and click Next. - Give the TLS Enroll ID,
, and TLS Enroll secret,adminpw
, the same values are the Enroll ID and Enroll secret that you gave when creating the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. - The last side panel will ask to Associate an identity and make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity
Orderer Admin
. - Review the summary and click Submit.
- Navigate to the Nodes tab, and click on the Orderer that we created.
- Under Consortium Members, click Add organization.
- From the drop-down list, select
Manufacturer MSP
. - Click Submit.
- Repeat the same steps, but add
,Pharmacy MSP
andPatient MSP
as well.
- Navigate to the Channels tab in the left navigation.
- Click Create channel.
- Give the channel a name,
. - Select the orderer you created,
from the orderers drop-down list. - Select the MSP identifying the organization of the channel creator from the drop-down list. This should be
Manufacturer MSP (manufacturermsp)
. - Associate available identity as
Manufacturer Admin
. - Click Add next to the manufacturer organization. Make the organization an Operator.
- Click Add next to the w1 organization. Make the organization an Operator.
- Click Add next to the w2 organization. Make the organization an Operator.
- Click Add next to the pharmacy organization. Make the organization an Operator.
- Click Add next to the patient organization. Make the organization an Operator.
- Click Create.
- Click Join channel to launch the side panels.
- Select your
and click Next. - Enter the name of the channel you just created.
and click Next. - Select which peers you want to join the channel, click all peers.
- Click Submit.
- In order to communicate between organizations, we need to enroll anchor peers.
- From the channels tab, click on the channel you have created,
. - From the channel overview page, click on
channel details
. Scroll all the way down until you seeAnchor peers
. - Click
Add anchor peer
and add the Insurance, Police, Repair Shop, and Shop peers. - Select which peers you want to join the channel.
- Click Add anchor peer.
- If all went well, your channel Anchor peers should look like below:
Clone the repository:
git clone
- Click the Smart contracts tab to install the smart contract.
- Click Install smart contract to upload the insurance smart contract package file.
- Click on Add file and find your packaged smart contract. It is the file in the
directory. - Select all peers - we need to install the contract on each peer.
- Once the contract is uploaded, click Install.
- On the smart contracts tab, find the smart contract from the list installed on your peers and click Instantiate from the overflow menu on the right side of the row.
- On the side panel that opens, select the channel,
to instantiate the smart contract on. Click Next. - Select the organization members to be included in the policy,
. Click Next. - Give Function name of
and leave Arguments blank. - Click Instantiate.
- Under the Instantiated Smart Contract, click on
Connect with SDK
from the overflow menu on the right side of the row. - Choose from the dropdown for MSP for connection,
. - Choose from Certificate Authority dropdown,
Insurance CA
. - Download the connection profile by scrolling down and clicking Download Connection Profile. This will download the connection json which we will use soon to establish connection.
- You can click Close once the download completes.
- Under the Instantiated Smart Contract, click on
- Go to the Nodes tab on the left bar, and under Certificate Authorities, choose your Insurance CA.
- Click on Register user.
- Give an Enroll ID and Enroll Secret to administer your application users,
. - Choose
as Type. - You can leave the Use root affiliation box checked.
- You can leave the Maximum enrollments blank.
- Under Attributes, click on Add attribute. Give attribute as
. This will allow this identity to act as registrar and issues identities for our app. Click Add-attribute. - Click Register.
- Go to the Nodes tab on the left bar, and under Certificate Authorities, choose your Shop CA.
- Click on Register user.
- Give an Enroll ID and Enroll Secret to administer your application users,
. - Choose
as Type. - You can leave the Use root affiliation box checked.
- You can leave the Maximum enrollments blank.
- Under Attributes, click on Add attribute. Give attribute as
. This will allow this identity to act as registrar and issues identities for our app. Click Add-attribute. - Click Register.
- Go to the Nodes tab on the left bar, and under Certificate Authorities, choose your Repair Shop CA.
- Click on Register user.
- Give an Enroll ID and Enroll Secret to administer your application users,
. - Choose
as Type. - You can leave the Use root affiliation box checked.
- You can leave the Maximum enrollments blank.
- Under Attributes, click on Add attribute. Give attribute as
. This will allow this identity to act as registrar and issues identities for our app. Click Add-attribute. - Click Register.
- Go to the Nodes tab on the left bar, and under Certificate Authorities, choose your Police CA.
- Click on Register user.
- Give an Enroll ID and Enroll Secret to administer your application users,
. - Choose
as Type. - You can leave the Use root affiliation box checked.
- You can leave the Maximum enrollments blank.
- Under Attributes, click on Add attribute. Give attribute as
. This will allow this identity to act as registrar and issues identities for our app. Click Add-attribute. - Click Register.
- Copy the connection profile you downloaded into the
directory. - Copy and paste everything in the connection profile, and overwrite the ibpConnection.json.
First, navigate to the
web/www/blockchain web/www/blockchain/
Open the
file, and update the caName with the URL of the insurance certificate authority from youribpConnection.json
file. Save the file. -
Run the
scriptnode enrollAdmin.js
You should see the following in the terminal:
msg: Successfully enrolled admin user insuranceApp-admin and imported it into the wallet
Enroll shopApp-admin
First, change the appAdmin, appAdminSecret, and caName properties in your
file, so that it looks something like this (your caName should be different than mine):{ "connection_file": "ibpConnection.json", "appAdmin": "shopApp-admin", "appAdminSecret": "shopApp-adminpw", "orgMSPID": "shopmsp", "caName": "", "userName": "shopUser", "gatewayDiscovery": { "enabled": true, "asLocalhost": false } }
To find the other CA urls, you will need to click on the
tab in IBM Blockchain Platform, then on the Shop CA, and on the settings cog icon at the top of the page. That will take you to the certificate authority settings, as shown in the picture below, and you can copy that endpoint URL into yourconfig.json
caName field. -
Run the
scriptnode enrollAdmin.js
You should see the following in the terminal:
msg: Successfully enrolled admin user shopApp-admin and imported it into the wallet
First, change the appAdmin, appAdminSecret, and caName properties in your
file, so that it looks something like this (your caName should be different than mine):{ "connection_file": "ibpConnection.json", "appAdmin": "repairShopApp-admin", "appAdminSecret": "repairShopApp-adminpw", "orgMSPID": "repairshopmsp", "caName": "", "userName": "repairUser", "gatewayDiscovery": { "enabled": true, "asLocalhost": false } }
Run the
scriptnode enrollAdmin.js
You should see the following in the terminal:
msg: Successfully enrolled admin user repairShopApp-admin and imported it into the wallet
First, change the appAdmin, appAdminSecret, and caName properties in your
file, so that it looks something like this (your caName should be different than mine):{ "connection_file": "ibpConnection.json", "appAdmin": "policeApp-admin", "appAdminSecret": "policeApp-adminpw", "orgMSPID": "policemsp", "caName": "", "userName": "policeUser", "gatewayDiscovery": { "enabled": true, "asLocalhost": false } }
Run the
scriptnode enrollAdmin.js
You should see the following in the terminal:
msg: Successfully enrolled admin user policeApp-admin and imported it into the wallet
Navigate to the directory blockchain directory which contains the config.js file:
cd build-blockchain-insurance-app/web/www/blockchain/
This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.