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Atoma Proxy Infrastructure

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Atoma Proxy is a critical component of the Atoma Network that enables:

  • Load Balancing: Efficient distribution of AI workloads across the network's compute nodes
  • Request Routing: Intelligent routing of inference requests to the most suitable nodes based on model availability, load, and performance
  • High Availability: Ensuring continuous service through redundancy and failover mechanisms
  • Network Optimization: Minimizing latency and maximizing throughput for AI inference requests
  • Security: Secure authentication and authorization of API requests

This repository contains the proxy infrastructure that helps coordinate and optimize the Atoma Network's distributed compute resources. By deploying an Atoma proxy, you can:

  1. Help manage and distribute AI workloads efficiently across the network;
  2. Contribute to the network's reliability and performance;
  3. Support the development of a more resilient and scalable AI infrastructure.

Currently, the Atoma Proxy is powering Atoma's cloud web service, available at By registering an account, you can obtain an API key and start using Atoma's AI services. For example, to request a chat completions from a meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct model, you can use the following request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "model": "meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct",
  "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Tell me a joke"}],
  "max_completion_tokens": 4096,
  "stream": true

You can further deploy your own Atoma Proxy locally to power your own AI services. Please refer to the Deployment Guide section for more information.

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Deploying an Atoma Proxy

Install the Sui client locally

The first step in setting up an Atoma node is installing the Sui client locally. Please refer to the Sui installation guide for more information.

Once you have the Sui client installed, locally, you need to connect to a Sui RPC node to be able to interact with the Sui blockchain and therefore the Atoma smart contract. Please refer to the Connect to a Sui Network guide for more information.

You then need to create a wallet and fund it with some testnet SUI. Please refer to the Sui wallet guide for more information. If you are plan to run the Atoma node on Sui's testnet, you can request testnet SUI tokens by following the docs.

Register with the Atoma Testnet smart contract

Please refer to the setup script to register with the Atoma Testnet smart contract. This will assign you a node badge and a package ID, which you'll need to configure in the config.toml file.

Docker Deployment


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed
  • Sui wallet configuration


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd atoma-proxy
  1. Configure environment variables by creating .env file. Please ensure you have created the requisite user and database in your postgres instance. Once you've done that, you can use .env.example as template for your .env file.
cp .env.example .env

Please ensure you have created the requisite user and database in your postgres instance, as


  1. Configure config.toml, using config.example.toml as template.

Configuration Reference

Sui Configuration ([atoma_sui])

Parameter Description Default
http_rpc_node_addr Sui RPC node endpoint for testnet network
atoma_db ATOMA database object ID on testnet 0x741693...
atoma_package_id ATOMA smart contract package ID on testnet 0x0c4a52...
usdc_package_id USDC smart contract package ID on testnet 0xa1ec7f...
request_timeout Maximum time to wait for RPC requests 300 seconds
max_concurrent_requests Maximum number of simultaneous RPC requests 10
limit Maximum number of items per page for paginated responses 100
sui_config_path Path to Sui client configuration file /root/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml
sui_keystore_path Path to Sui keystore containing account keys /root/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore
cursor_path Path to store the event cursor state ./cursor.toml

State Configuration ([atoma_state])

Parameter Description Example
database_url PostgreSQL connection string (must match values in .env) postgresql://<POSTGRES_USER>:<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>@db:5432/<POSTGRES_DB>

Service Configuration ([atoma_service])

Parameter Description Example
service_bind_address HTTP service binding address and port
password Authentication password for the service API password
models List of supported LLM models ["meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct"]
revisions Model revision/version tags ["main"]
hf_token Hugging Face API token for gated/private models Required

Proxy Service Configuration ([atoma_proxy_service])

Parameter Description Default
service_bind_address Proxy service binding address and port

Authentication Configuration ([atoma_auth])

Parameter Description Default
secret_key JWT signing key for token generation secret_key
access_token_lifetime Access token validity duration in minutes 1
refresh_token_lifetime Refresh token validity duration in days 1
google_client_id Google OAuth client ID (required for google-oauth feature) ""

Example Configuration

http_rpc_node_addr = ""
atoma_db = "0x741693fc00dd8a46b6509c0c3dc6a095f325b8766e96f01ba73b668df218f859"
atoma_package_id = "0x0c4a52c2c74f9361deb1a1b8496698c7e25847f7ad9abfbd6f8c511e508c62a0"
usdc_package_id = "0xa1ec7fc00a6f40db9693ad1415d0c193ad3906494428cf252621037bd7117e29"
request_timeout = { secs = 300, nanos = 0 }
max_concurrent_requests = 10
limit = 100
sui_config_path = "/root/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml"
sui_keystore_path = "/root/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore"
cursor_path = "./cursor.toml"

database_url = "postgresql://atoma_user:strong_password@db:5432/atoma_db"

service_bind_address = ""
password = "your_strong_service_password"
models = ["meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct"]
revisions = ["main"]
hf_token = "hf_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

service_bind_address = ""

secret_key = "your_secure_secret_key"
access_token_lifetime = 60    # 60 minutes
refresh_token_lifetime = 7    # 7 days
google_client_id = ""

Important Notes:

  • Replace placeholder values (<POSTGRES_USER>, <POSTGRES_PASSWORD>, <POSTGRES_DB>) with actual values from your .env file
  • Ensure the hf_token is valid if using gated models
  • Use strong passwords and secret keys in production
  • The database URL must match the PostgreSQL configuration in your environment
  • Sui paths should match your deployment environment
  1. Create required directories
mkdir -p data logs
  1. Start the containers with the desired inference services. In order to run a local deployment of the proxy, run
# Build and start all services
docker compose --profile local up --build

# Or run in detached mode
docker compose --profile local up -d --build

If instead, one wishes to deploy the proxy as a cloud service, then run

# Build and start all services
docker compose --profile cloud up --build

# Or run in detached mode
docker compose --profile cloud up -d --build

Container Architecture

The deployment consists of two main services:

  • Grafana: Manages the dashboard UI for the Atoma Proxy
  • PostgreSQL: Manages the database for the Atoma Proxy
  • Traefik: Manages the reverse proxy for the Atoma Proxy APIs, and the dashboard UI
  • Loki: Manages the logging for the Atoma Proxy
  • Prometheus: Manages the metrics for the Atoma Proxy
  • Open Collector: Manages the tracing for the Atoma Proxy
  • Tempo: Manages the tracing for the Atoma Proxy
  • zkLogin backend and frontend: Manages a zkLogin instance serving for login and registration of users for the Atoma Proxy, using Google OAuth and zkLogin
  • Atoma Proxy: Manages the proxy operations and connects to the Atoma Network


  • local - this is for targeting the local deployment of the proxy
  • cloud - this is when the proxy is being deployed as a service. It has a zklogin (google oauth) feature enabled, which is not available for the local option.

Service URLs

  • Atoma Proxy: http://localhost:8080 (configured via ATOMA_PROXY_PORT). This is the main service that you will use to interact with the Atoma Network, via an OpenAI-compatible API.
  • Atoma Proxy Service: http://localhost:8081 (configured via ATOMA_SERVICE_PORT). You can use this URL to authenticate locally. If you plan to have a custom service (with custom domain), this service allows users to register, authenticate and get an API keys to the Atoma Proxy.

Volume Mounts

  • Logs: ./logs:/app/logs
  • PostgreSQL database: ./data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Managing the Deployment

Check service status:

docker compose ps

View logs:

# All services
docker compose logs

# Specific service
docker compose logs atoma-proxy-cloud # Cloud
docker compose logs atoma-proxy-local # Local

# Follow logs
docker compose logs -f

Stop services:

docker compose --profile cloud down   # Cloud
docker compose --profile local down # Local


Since the AtomaStateManager instance relies on a PostgreSQL database, we need to have a local docker instance running to run the tests. You can spawn one using the docker-compose.test.yaml file:

Note Please ensure that you don't have any other postgres instance running on your machine, as this might cause conflicts.

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yaml up --build -d

It might be necessary that you clean up the database before or after running the tests. You can do so by running:

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yaml down

and remove the specific postgres volumes:

docker system prune -af --volumes


  1. Check if services are running:
docker compose ps
  1. Test Atoma Proxy service:
curl http://localhost:8080/health
  1. View container networks:
docker network ls
docker network inspect <NETWORK_NAME>

Security Considerations

  1. Firewall Configuration
# Allow Atoma Proxy port
sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp

# Allow Atoma Proxy P2P port
sudo ufw allow 8083/tcp
  1. HuggingFace Token
  • Store HF_TOKEN in .env file
  • Never commit .env file to version control
  • Consider using Docker secrets for production deployments
  1. Sui Configuration
  • Ensure Sui configuration files have appropriate permissions
  • Keep keystore file secure and never commit to version control