Warning: This project is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for production use.
By default, a Docker-based installer and runtime for the Symfony web framework, with FrankenPHP and Caddy inside!
Based on dunglas/symfony-docker
- Edit "Variables" section in
file - Run
sh install.sh
Then read the new README.md file.
- Production, development and CI ready
- PHP and PostgreSQL services
- Blazing-fast performance thanks to the worker mode of FrankenPHP (automatically enabled in prod mode)
- Installation of extra Docker Compose services with Symfony Flex
- Automatic HTTPS (in dev and prod)
- HTTP/3 and Early Hints support
- Real-time messaging thanks to a built-in Mercure hub
- Vulcain support
- Native XDebug integration
- Super-readable configuration
- API Platform for creating modern web APIs
- Sentry for error tracking
- Doctrine for database management
- EasyAdmin for admin panel
- Doctrine extensions
- Gotenberg for converting HTML to PDF
- Alice Bundle
- CORS for cross-origin resource sharing
- Storybook for UI components
- Symfony for web development
- Clock
- Console
- Dotenv
- Expression Language
- Flex
- Framework Bundle
- HttpClient
- Mailer
- Messenger
- Monolog
- Notifier
- Security
- Twig
- Uid
- Stopwatch
- Validator
- Yaml
- Twig for templating
- Safe for safe PHP functions
- Webmozart Assert for assertions
- Enums for enumerations
- Atournayre Collections for collections
- Doctrine Collections for collections
- Null for null objects
- Carbon DateTime for date and time management
- Atournayre Maker Bundle for generating code
- Zenstruck Foundry for generating fixtures
- Zenstruck Browser for testing
- Symfony Panther for testing
- Symfony Var Dumper for debugging
- Symfony Web Profiler for debugging
- Atournayre PHPArkitect Ruleset for architecture rules
- PHP CS Fixer for code style
- Rector for refactoring
- Rector Swiss Knife for refactoring
- PHPStan for static analysis
- PHPUnit for testing
- Github Actions for continuous integration
- Api for API tests
- E2E for end-to-end tests
- External for external tests
- Functional for functional tests
- Integration for integration tests
- Performance for performance tests
- Unit for unit tests
- README.md for the project
- ADR for architecture decisions
Symfony Web Application is available under the MIT License.
Created by Aurélien Tournayre