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@aureliojargas aureliojargas released this 01 Jul 22:59
  • Now supports reading the test file from stdin. Inform - as the filename or use the appropriate device reference (i.e., /dev/stdin). (#35)
  • Non-regular files (i.e., symlinks) are now supported as test files. The only requirement is that the file must be readable. (#35)
  • Option --version now shows the correct version, for officially released versions.
  • Exit with error in case of failure when executing the --post-flight command. Before, failures in that step were ignored. (#41)
  • Adopt shellcheck as a code linter and enforce it on the CI. (#37)
  • Adopt shfmt as the code formatter and enforce it on the CI. (#40)
  • Code linting and testing is now executed inside a Docker container. (#34, #38)
  • New aureliojargas/clitest Docker image using lightweight Alpine Linux. (#22, #26, #29, #34, #38)