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Route configuration

Auron Vila edited this page Jun 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

The app uses React Router for navigation.

/src/configs/routes.config/authRoute.tsx (file containing public routes)

The routes that will be specified in the authRoute.tsx will only be accessed by unAuthenticated users.

const authRoute: Routes = [
    key: 'signIn',
    path: `/sign-in`,
    component: lazy(() => import('@/pages/auth/SignIn')),
    authority: []

/src/configs/routes.config/routes.config.ts (file containing private routes)

The routes that will be specified in the routes.config.ts will only be accessed by authenticated users only.

const authRoute: Routes = [
    key: 'dashboard',
    path: '/dashboard',
    component: lazy(() => import('@/pages/Dashboard')),
    authority: []

key: is the specified route's key.

path: the path that is responsible for rendering the component.

component: the component that will get rendered when the user accesses the specified route.

authority: The roles that will have access to this route(if you leave it as a blank array it will be accessed by anyone).

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