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Periodic #72

Workflow file for this run

# yamllint disable rule:line-length
# We want to have our active branches built periodically to ensure they continue
# to build correctly, and to pick up any updates to underlying packages/images.
# Unfortunately, GitHub only allows scheduled workflow runs against the
# "default" branch (main). This job, residing on the default branch, will
# trigger other jobs (across other branches) at a regular interval.
# Jobs triggered by this workflow:
# - Must have "workflow_dispatch" as a trigger method
# - Must either:
# - Be on the default branch OR
# - Have executed at least once previously
# The above conditions are met in our case since we're just trying to
# periodically trigger workflows that run with each PR/Push.
name: Periodic
on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
- cron: "15 4 * * 1" # 4:15 every Monday
workflow_dispatch: # Useful for testing, but not necessary
name: Trigger other workflows
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Must checkout source or gh can't figure out what to trigger
- name: Checkout source
uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
- name: Trigger workflows
# Must use a personal access token w/ workflow permissions. The
# default GH workflow token doesn't have permission to trigger other
# workflows regardless of permissions granted.
run: |
gh workflow run --ref "main" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "main" "documentation.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.8" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.8" "documentation.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.7" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.7" "documentation.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.6" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.6" "documentation.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.5" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.5" "documentation.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.4" "operator.yml"
gh workflow run --ref "release-0.4" "documentation.yml"