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The Pipage

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  • n. plumbing, a system of pipes
  • n. node module, a splice-able stream pipeline

Install via npm

$ npm install --save pipage


For detailed API documentation, see doc/

var Pipage = require('pipage')

The Pipage is a duplex stream, inheriting from Node's stream.Duplex and behaves in the same way, while containing an internal pipeline which can be added to, removed from and spliced at runtime:

readable -> pipage[ transform, transform, ... ] -> writable

Creating a pipeline

// A blank pass-through pipeline:
var pipeline = new Pipage()

// Initialized with already existing streams:
var pipeline = new Pipage([ transform1, transform2, ... ])

Adding streams

// Streams can be appended,
pipeline.append( stream )
pipeline.append( stream1, stream2, ..., streamN )

// prepended,
pipeline.prepend( stream1, stream2, ..., streamN )

// inserted at a specific index,
pipeline.insert( 3, stream1, ..., streamN )

// which is the same as splicing in streams (add N streams at index 3):
pipeline.splice( 3, 0, stream1, ..., streamN )

Removing streams

// Streams can be shifted off the beginning,
var firstStream = pipeline.shift()

// or popped off the end,
var lastStream = pipeline.pop()

// spliced out at a specific index (remove 3 from index 2),
var removedStreams = pipeline.splice( 2, 3 )

// or removed by reference:
pipeline.remove( stream )

Selecting streams

// Get a stream at a specific index in the pipeline:
var stream = pipeline.get( 2 )
var lastStream = pipeline.get( -1 )

// Find a stream in the pipeline:
var index = pipeline.indexOf( stream )
var lastIndex = pipeline.lastIndexOf( stream )


var Pipage = require('pipage')
var path = require('path')
var zlib = require('zlib')
var unbzip2 = require('unbzip2-stream')
var xz = require('xz')

var pipeline = new Pipage()

switch( path.extname( filename ) ) {
  case '.gz':
    pipeline.prepend( zlib.createUnzip() );
  case '.bz':
  case '.bz2':
    pipeline.prepend( unbzip2() );
  case '.xz':
    pipeline.prepend( new xz.Decompressor() )

fs.createReadStream( filename )
  .pipe( pipeline )
  .pipe( fs.createWriteStream( destination ) )


Error handling

Errors from streams within the pipeline are listened to, and re-emitted on the pipeline itself, with an additional .stream property being set on the error object, which is the stream that emitted it:

pipeline.on( 'error', function( error ) {
  // This error originated from the pipeline's internal stream
  // available as ``, not from the pipeline itself
  if( ) {
    // ...
  } else {
    // This error came from the pipeline itself

Binding to contained stream's events

var stream = pipeline.get(-1)

// Re-emit a stream's events on the pipeline:
pipeline.bind( stream, 'eventname' )
pipeline.bind( stream, [ 'someevent', 'otherevent' ])

// Remove re-emission of a stream's event:
pipeline.unbind( stream, 'eventname' )

// Stop re-emission of all of stream's events on the pipeline:
pipeline.unbindAll( stream )
var Pipage = require('pipage')

// Let's say we have a stream which emits an event
// we want to capture without having to get a reference to
// that particular stream:
module.exports = function createPipeline() {

  var checksumStream = createChecksumStream( 'sha256', 'md5' )
  var pipeline = new Pipage([ checksumStream ])

  // This will cause the pipeline to re-emit
  // the 'checksums' event from the `checksumStream`
  pipeline.bind( checksumStream, 'checksums' )

  // Add some more fancy things to the pipeline...

  return pipeline

var createPipeline = require('./create-pipeline')
var pipeline = createPipeline()

// Now we can listen for the bound event directly on the pipeline
pipeline.on( 'checksums', function( checksums ) {
  // Validate the checksums, etc...

fs.createReadStream( filename )
  .pipe( pipeline )

Nested Pipelines

Since pipelines are duplex streams, and contain duplex streams, they can be nested arbitrarily:

var pipeline = new Pipage([
  new Pipage(),
  new Pipage([
    new Pipage()