IPython extension type-checking IPython environments with beartype.
pip install ipython_beartype
Within an IPython / Jupyter notebook session, do the following:
%load_ext ipython_beartype
All the type annotations in the following cells will be type checked.
- Create and activate a virtual environment
- Run
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
to do an editable install - Run
to run tests
Run mypy .
Make sure to bump the version in setup.cfg
Then run the following commands:
rm -rf build dist
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Then upload it to PyPI using twine:
twine upload dist/*
Thanks to knyazer and
patrick-kidger for building the jaxtyping
IPython extension, which was used as the base for this extension.
Also special thanks to leycec for creating beartype and the IPython team.