A simple scraper script using puppeteer-core to navigate through the subsection of the docs and scrape the text grouped under each subtitle, aswell as the code blocks in markdown.
Example Output:
"title": "useEffect",
"href": "https://react.dev/reference/react/useEffect",
"data": [
"tag": "H3",
"text": "Updating state based on previous state from an Effect",
"content": [
"When you want to update state based on previous state from an Effect, you might run into a problem:",
"```function Counter() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { setCount(count + 1); // You want to increment the counter every second... }, 1000) return () => clearInterval(intervalId); }, [count]); // 🚩 ... but specifying `count` as a dependency always resets the interval. // ...}```",
"```Since count is a reactive value, it must be specified in the list of dependencies. However, that causes the Effect to cleanup and setup again every time the count changes. This is not ideal.```",
"```To fix this, pass the c => c + 1 state updater to setCount:```"