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Nodejs boilerplate REST API

This repo can be cloned/forked and used as a boilerplate for a node REST API

I built this repo to learn how to make a rest api and server. It was created by following this tutorial, and has been expanded on to service the needs of a boilerplate project. I've also used inspiration from this awesome dev!

The different things you can do with this server:

  • Controllers - deals with database read/write operations and logic.
  • Models - define schemas of objects in collections the database.
  • Routes - defines the API routing for controller functions.
  • Middlewares - helper files, utils and methods. Basically anything that isn't done by a controller.

Installing & config

  1. Clone repo and run npm i to install all packages

  2. In the server.js file, you can modify the database location and name on line 22

  3. Run MongoDB locally with brew services start mongodb-community

Running the project

  1. Add a .env flie to the root directory when first cloning this project for storing environment variables

  2. Add a JWT_SECRET to the .env file

  3. Start the server with nodemon: npm start. Currently the default port for the server is 5000 and this can be set in the .env. This is to prevent clashes when running the server and clients in dev locally.

  4. Restart running server by typing: rs

Available Scripts

  • start - starts the server
  • reset - deletes the node_modules
  • reinstall - deletes and then reinstalls the node_modules
  • test - runs all unit tests
  • test:watch - watches for unit tests that have changed and reruns the test suite

Current Routes

Auth Routes


    "email": "",
    "password": "" (at least 6 characters long and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a numeric digit and a special character.)


    "firstName": "", (firstName is optional)
    "lastName": "", (lastName is optional)
    "email": "",
    "password": "" (at least 6 characters long and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a numeric digit and a special character.)
    "password2": ""
    "acceptedTerms": Boolean


This route is activated when a user clicks the link in an email sent to then when creating a new account.


Allows a user to get a password reset code emailed to them.

    "email": "",
    "password": "",
    "password2": "",
    "code": "" (this will have been emailed to the user)


Allows a user to get a password reset code emailed to them.

    "email": ""


Allows a user to delete their account.

    "password": "",
    "uniqueId": ""


  External route to check if a token is valid