CMP1903M Object Oriented Programming - Assessment 3 - Lincoln Card Game
Command line based. Showing off OOP concepts.
Card game: 'Lincoln' 2 x players
- PvC (Player v Computer)
- Pack is shuffled.
- Each player receives 10 cards.
- Each player plays 2 cards.
- Player with highest total wins hand, then plays first on the next round. Card values are: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J(11),Q(12),K(13),A(14)
- eg: P1 plays (8,Q) total=20
- P2 plays (5,K) total=18 P1 wins hand
- If totals are the same, continue to next hand. Winning player gets both hands.
- Player with highest number of hand wins, wins the game.
- If the number of hand wins are the same, draw a random card from the remaining cards - highest wins.
- If the final hands are the same value, draw a random card from the remaining cards - highest wins the hand.