Check out
have PSQL_USER, PSQL_DB_NAME, PSQL_PASSWORD in your environment
- export PSQL_USER=username && export PSQL_DB_NAME=db_name && export PSQL_PASSWORD=your_password && export DATABASE_URL=postgres://$PSQL_USER:$PSQL_PASSWORD@localhost:5432/$PSQL_DB_NAME
configure synced folder in the Vagrantfile, change project_name, deploy and deploy_user
change following ansible vars: project_name, root_dir, wsgi_path, logwatch_email, root_address, mailname, deploy_password
- roles/web/vars
- rabbitmq.admin_password
- rabbitmq.password
- roles/web/vars
run the provisioning once without uncommenting the
config.ssh.private_key_path = "/path/to/key"
line in the `Vagrantfile
Sometimes Vagrant boxes have VirtualBox guest additions installed that don't match the version installed on the host. If you'd like to upgrade the guest additions to match the version you have installed the host, you can run the ´` script.
To upgrade the guest additions:
- uncomment the
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
line in theVagrantfile
- change CURRENT_VERSION to the version of VirtualBox you have installed, e.g. 4.3.0
- run
VBoxManage --version
if don't know the version
- run
- run
vagrant provision --provision-with shell
- comment the line out again to prevent it from running everytime you run
vagrant provision
Write a bit about removing vagrant insecure key task
Include reference to "First 5 min on server" ansible blog post
cannot manage redmon
at the moment (tasks commented out)
Refactor each major service to be it's own role, e.g. nginx, postgres, redis etc. so they can be included as needed as git submodules.
Use cookiecutter to automate some of the setup for each new project?
Fabric or ansible deploy script
look into monit
Write about adding a rule to ~/.ssh/config to avoid host error
There is a log dir created for the app, /var/log/{{project_name}}
If you run into this error right after vagrant up
TASK: [update APT package cache and aptitude safe-upgrade] ********************
fatal: [] => SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue
Then just remove the line starting with []:2222
and run vagrant provision