Some style helpers used in a lot of our apps.
- add the gem
gem "magic_stylez"
- run the generator
$ rails g magic_stylez:install
- add to stylesheets
@import 'magic-stylez'; // import all
@import 'magic-min'; // import basic
//= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
//= 'magic-min'; /* import basic */
- add to javascripts:
//= 'magic-stylez'; /* import all */
//= 'magic-min'; /* import basic */
- magic-styles update generator
- in the process I often add new variables to the corporate files (what causes "Missing variable!" when you update to new version)
- this generator adds all new variables without touching your settings
$ rails g magic_stylez:update
- corporate/typo is removed!
- corporate/fonts doesn't contain css anymore, just variables With Version I merged corporate/typo into corporate/fonts (they where so similar). I also removed all css from corporate/fonts, because it causes trouble with update generator (and also is not a variable).
A lot of code for this gem is taken from bootstrap-sass, so thank you guys for the great work. Same goes for bourbon thanks for a lightweight helper set.
- Torsten Wetzel
- Austin Strange
- Marco Sebald
- many others ... (especially stackoverflow users)