You are expected to have a basic understanding of the unix system. If you are new to linux, please visit here or look for similar resources online. Do NOT proceed
My configuration is personalized to utilize keyboard shortcuts as well as mouse actions to keep my workflow meaningful and flexible under varying conditions.
Before proceeding
- This readme is still a work in progress. Please open an issue for queries beyond its scope
- All the visual config parameters have been written for a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels
- Non GUI apps will need to be configured manually to be correctly displayed in lower/higher resolutions
- Please read the man-page for an app before asking specific questions not addressed here
Feature | Package |
Window Manager | bspwm |
Compositor | pijulius/picom |
Terminal | alacritty |
Shell | zsh |
Editor | neovim |
Panel | eww |
System Tray | stalonetray |
Dock | plank |
Notification Manager | dunst |
Application Launcher | rofi |
Application Menu | jgmenu |
Tokyo night colorscheme ported from zatchheems for alacritty

A slightly modified version of the fancy rofi app launcher found on siduck's repo

The menu is spawned with the help of xqp (or X Query Pointer) which prints the ID of the window under the pointer. This is used to check if RMB is being triggered on an empty space, which then calls jgmenu
to spawn out from the position of the pointer. This method works most accurately since it allows you to spawn the application menu even if your current desktop is occupied (assuming you have gaps between windows)

Dunst for a simple notification daemon.

Stalonetray is run at bootup and hid right after using xdo. system_tray.zsh
is integrated into the eww bar to hide or unhide the tray icons on demand.

Font List | Use |
Roboto |
Primary Font |
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font |
Primary UI Font |
Font Awesome |
Primary Icon Font |
Phoshphor Icons |
Secondary Icon Font |
Create a backup of your dotfiles (if any). Take a look at this article for a more long term solution, thank me later. Now clone this repository and symlink the respective files.
git clone --depth 1 $HOME/Downloads/b9k_dotfiles
ln -s $HOME/Downloads/b9k_dotfiles/.config/* $HOME/.config/
Mark binaries as executable
chmod u+x $HOME/.bin/* $HOME/.local/bin/*
Install the fonts mentioned in the previous section.
Copy the .profile
to your $HOME
directory to set the correct environment variables at startup
- Refer to XDG Base Directory for more details
- Copy the
to use my aliases - Install zinit as a plugin manager for zsh
- Using the yay helper
yay -S --needed \
sxhkd bspwm alacritty zsh neovim stalonetray \
plank dunst rofi jgmenu xprintidle i3lock-color zathura \
broot fzf mpv neofetch ranger ueberzug xdo perl cava \
xbanish xss-lock pavucontrol nitrogen flameshot exa bat copyq \
maim ant-dracula-kvantum-theme-git ant-dracula-theme-git \
papirus-icon-theme kvantum pacman-contrib xorg-xbacklight \
- Install eww by following the instructions here
- powerlevel10k as a prompt theme for zsh
Topics mentioned in this section may not necessarily be relevant to the ricing setup. It includes obscure erros that I have run into in my time using linux.
To allow users in the video group to change the brightness, a udev rule such as the following can be used:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", RUN+="/bin/chgrp video $sys$devpath/brightness", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+w $sys$devpath/brightness"
- Refer to Backlight for better coverage on the subject
- pagankeymaster for his extensive research on bspwm & eww
- elkowar for his fantastic work on the eww widget framework
- Excellent neovim config by NvChad bspwm scripts
- Beautiful wallpaper artwork created by BisBiswas
- Some configs have been derived from axyl-os