Attempt to predict which musical artist wil be played on Thursdays on 89.3 The Current (
Create a Python virtual environment and install dependencies
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Each play of a song is considered an "article" by The Current. The Current posts their playlist by hour or by day.
The following code will retrieve a specific hour
import playlist
playlist.get_hour(2016, 1, 24, 0)
In order to prevent DoS'ing The Current website, a Luigi-based pipeline exists which downloads the HTML for a given day, parses the HTML for the articles, and save the results off as a CSV.
The following command will retrieve the HTML, save it to the output/html
directory, parse the HTML for articles, and save the results as a CSV in the output/csv
directory. Execute the pipeline like song
luigi --module pipeline DayHtmlToArticlesCsv --date=2016-01-01 --local-scheduler
- Download Spark 2.0.1 from here:
- Untar it to the location /opt/spark-2.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7
- From the command line execute: source profile && pyspark