Multiclient Distributed real-time room based chat application. Supports unicast, multicast & broadcast.
The backend is distributed & horizontally scalable. Technology used in backend, redis(cache & pub/sub to maintain consistency among different servers), haproxy (for loadbalancer), mongodb(for persistence).
As the architecture itself depends some components for eg. redis
, mongodb
, haproxy
, so for each of use I have provided a docker-compose.yml file in the backend. It will pull respective containers, build the local backend application and run them by openning respective ports.
# go to backend
$ cd backend
# build the chatapp image
$ docker build -t chatapp .
$ docker-compose up # pass -d for detached mode
# to stop the services
$ docker-compose down
The main app.js contains all the business logic for websocket establishment and respective api calls. First run the backend services and the proceed to frontend server.
# for dev server run
$ npm start
# else build the assets and serve it through gserve
$ npm run build && serve ./build