Simplified Coinbase API manager package.
Install the package by typing npm i @bitsoft-network/cashier-coinbase
in your project folder.
const CoinbaseCashier = require("@bitsoft-network/cashier-coinbase");
const client = new CoinbaseCashier({
apiKey: "lamekey",
apiSecret: "lamesecret",
Get cashier accounts information (BTC, ETH and LTC).
const accounts = await client.getCashierAccounts();
- Object (AccountsObject)
Create user's deposit addresses (BTC, ETH and LTC)
const addresses = await client.createDepositAddresses(userId);
- userId (String)
- Object (AddressesObject)
Create a new withdraw. Amount must be in cryptocurrency (max 4 decimal places). Transaction ID is to ensure every transaction is unique and only executed once.
const withdraw = await client.createNewWithdraw(
- currency (String [ BTC | ETH | LTC ])
- amount (String)
- toAddress (String)
- transactionId (String)
- Object (WithdrawObject)
Get exchange rate for two currencies. Return value will contain exchange rate for one unit of currency.
const rate = await client.getExchangeRate(currency, toCurrency);
const rate = await client.getExchangeRate("BTC", "EUR"); // 35409.37
- currency (String)
- toCurrency (String)
- Object (RateObject)
Validate incoming IPN (Instant Payment Notification).
const valid = await client.validateNotification(body, signature);
- body (ExpressJsRequest, Object)
- signature (String)
- Boolean
Object which holds all configuration values.
const config = {
// Coinbase API key
apiKey: "lamekey",
// Coinbase API secret
apiSecret: "lamesecret",
// API version to use. Default
// version is: "2022-01-30"
apiVersion: "",
// Whether or not to show debug
// messages
debug: false,
Stores the Coinbase accounts used by cashier
BTC: {
id: "...",
name: "BTC Wallet",
primary: true,
type: "wallet",
currency: {
code: "BTC",
name: "Bitcoin",
color: "#F7931A",
sort_index: 100,
exponent: 8,
type: "crypto",
address_regex: "^([13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34})|^(bc1([qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{39}|[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{59}))$",
asset_id: "...",
slug: "bitcoin"
balance: { "amount": "0.00000000", "currency": "BTC" },
created_at: "2018-08-28T00:00:00Z",
updated_at: "2018-08-28T00:00:00Z",
resource: "account",
resource_path: "/v2/accounts/...",
allow_deposits: true,
allow_withdrawals: true
ETH: { ... },
LTC: { ... }
Newly created addresses from Coinbase API.
BTC: '...btcAddress',
ETH: '...ethAddress',
LTC: '...ltcAddress'
Newly created withdraw from Coinbase API.
id: "...transactionIdFromCoinbase",
network: {
status: "unconfirmed",
hash: "463397c87beddd9a61ade61359a13adc9efea26062191fe07147037bce7f33ed",
name: "bitcoin"
MIT <3