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HST Spring Security Support

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework.

HST Spring Security Support project provides seamless integration with Spring Security for HST-2 based applications.

Mainly, HST Spring Security Support project provides the following:

Because Spring Security provides a lot of out-of-box security integration solutions such as HTTP Basic/Digest authentication, LDAP, Form-based, Open ID, JA-SIG CAS authentication, you can take advantage of those with HST-2!

Demo Project

Documentation (Local)

The documentation can generated locally by this command:

mvn clean site

The output is in the target/site/ directory by default. You can open target/site/index.html in a browser.

Documentation (GitHub Pages)

Documentation is available at

You can generate the GitHub pages only from master branch by this command:

mvn -Pgithub.pages clean site

The output is in the docs/ directory by default. You can open docs/index.html in a browser.

You can push it and GitHub Pages will be served for the site automatically.