Get all artifacts from the most recent successful Circle CI build or a subpath path
from the artifacts and places them in a local directory outputdir
Circle get artifact can be installed using NPM.
npm install -g circle-get-artifact
Usage: circle-get-artifact [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --token [value] (Required) CircleCI Authentication Token
-b, --buildnum <n> Specify a build number, or we take latest
-u, --user [value] (Required) Build git repository username
-p, --project [value] (Required) Build git repository project
--branch [value] Branch to get builds from
--path [value] Path of files to download
--outputdir [value] path of local output directory output artifacts defaults to "./"
--config [value] specify a json config
--print-paths print file paths
circle-get-artifact --token "abcdefg01234012301230123012301230123" --user "blueflag" --project "moneypenny" --branch "master" --path '/home/ubuntu/'
Create tokens using account settings page