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Django Structured JSON Field logo

This is a Django field that allows you to declare the structure of a JSON field and validate it.


  • Define the structure of a JSON field using Pydantic models
  • Validate the JSON field against the defined structure
  • Use relationships between models inside the JSON field 🤯
  • Easily integrate with Django Rest Framework serializers
  • Admin editor for the JSON field with autocomplete search for related models 👀


Check out our documentation for detailed guides and examples on:

  • Installation and basic usage
  • Working with relationships
  • Admin integration
  • REST Framework integration
  • Caching
  • Settings configuration


pip install django-structured-json-field


from django.db import models
from structured.fields import StructuredJSONField
from structured.pydantic.models import BaseModel

# Define this schema as you would do with a Pydantic model
class MySchema(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int = None

def init_data():
    return MySchema(name='')

# Create a model with a StructuredJSONField with the schema you defined
class MyModel(models.Model):
    structured_data = StructuredJSONField(schema=MySchema, default=init_data)


This field supports relationships between models, you can define them in your schema and they will be treated as normal django relationships. It also supports recursive schemas.


You can define recursive schemas by declaring the attribute type as a string:

from typing import Optional, List

class MySchema(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int = None
    parent: Optional['MySchema'] = None
    relateds: List['MySchema'] = []

Foreign Keys

You can also define model relationships in your schema:

from structured.pydantic.fields import ForeignKey

class MySchema(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int = None
    fk_field: ForeignKey['MyModel'] = None

This will treat the parent field as a normal django ForeignKey.


You can omit the ForeignKey field and just use the model class as the type annotation:

class MySchema(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int = None
    fk_field: MyModel = None

the field will still be treated as a ForeignKey if the type annotation is a subclass of django models.Model.


If you need a ManyToMany relationship, you can use the QuerySet field:

from structured.pydantic.fields import QuerySet

class MySchema(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int = None
    parents: QuerySet['MyModel']

QuerySet fields will generate a django object manager that will allow you to query the related objects as you would do with a normal django QuerySet.

instance = MySchema(name='test', age=10, parents=MyModel.objects.all())
# You can filter the queryset
# You can count the queryset
# You can get the first element of the queryset, etc...

Admin integration

The field is integrated with the Django admin, you can use the autocomplete search to select the related models. To allow the autocomplete search you need to include structured.urls in your file:

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('structured.urls')),

Rest Framework integration

You can easily integrate structured fields with Django Rest Framework serializers, just use the StructuredModelSerializer as the base class for your serializer:

from rest_framework import serializers
from structured.contrib.rest_framework import StructuredModelSerializer

class MyModelSerializer(StructuredModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = '__all__'

Errors generated by pydantic validation will be automatically translated to DRF errors.


To prevent the field from making multiple identical queries a caching technique is used. The cache is still a work in progress, please open an issue if you find any problem. Actually the cache covers all the relations inside a StructuredJSONField, optimizing the queries during the serialization process.

Cache engine progress:

  • Shared cache between ForeignKey fields and QuerySet fields
  • Shared cache through nested schemas
  • Shared cache through nested lists of schemas
  • Shared cache between all StructuredJSONFields in the same instance
  • Shared cache between multiple instances of the same model
  • Cache invalidation mechanism


You can manage structured field behaviour modifying the STRUCTURED_FIELD setting in your file. Here a list of the available settings and their default values:

        'ENABLED': True,
        'SHARED': False # ⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL: this enables a thread-shared cache, it's not recommended to use it in production.


The project is open to contributions, just open an issue or a PR.

Running tests

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
make test

Running test app

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python migrate
python runserver


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details