This simulation environment is designed for simulating autonomous cart and design supervisory control with RL algorithms. The autonomous carts are managed by the control algorithm. Here we provide a simulation framework which can be used to analyze passenger waiting statistics. The RL study codes will be published soon separately.
We provided a sample notebook file for statistical analysis in the repository. For simulation, please just run the standard_SIM_ord in tests folder. The related logs are generated and saved to be used with panda dataframes.
For details of the simulation environment please check the technical report. For citations;
@article{hashimoto2018stochastic, <br>
title={Stochastic Discrete Event Simulation Environment for Autonomous Cart Fleet for Artificial Intelligent Training and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms (マルチメディアストレージ ヒューマンインフォメーション メディア工学 映像表現 \& コンピュータグラフィックス)},<br>
author={HASHIMOTO, Naohisa and BOYALI, Ali and KATO, Shin and OTSUKA, Takao and MIZUSHIMA, Kazuhisa and OMAE, Manabu},<br>
journal={電子情報通信学会技術研究報告= IEICE technical report: 信学技報},<br>
We build training environment using Tensorflow. A sample training network is given in the network folder. One can run in the test folder to train using a couple of policies given in the script.
For citations of the Supervisory Reinforcement Learning;
title={Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous On Demand Vehicles},<br>
author={Boyal{\i}, Ali and Hashimoto, Naohisa and John, Vijay and Acarman, Tankut},<br>
booktitle={2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)},<br>
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous On Demand Vehicles