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A flutter plugin to connect with a Ledger Nano X using BLE


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A Flutter plugin to scan, connect & sign transactions using Ledger Nano devices using USB & BLE
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Ledger Nano devices are the perfect hardware wallets for managing your crypto & NFTs on the go. This Flutter plugin makes it easy to find nearby Ledger devices, connect with them and sign transactions over USB and/or BLE.

Web3 Ecosystem Integrations

We are expanding the Flutter ecosystem to grow the Web3 community. Check out our other Web3 packages below:

Supported devices

Android ✔️ ✔️
iOS ✔️ ❌

Getting started


Install the latest version of this package via

ledger_flutter: ^latest-version

You might want to install additional Ledger App Plugins to support different blockchains. See the Ledger Plugins section below.

For example, adding Algorand support:

ledger_algorand: ^latest-version


Create a new instance of LedgerOptions and pass it to the the Ledger constructor.

final options = LedgerOptions(
  maxScanDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 5000),

final ledger = Ledger(
  options: options,

The package uses the following permissions:

  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION : this permission is needed because old Nexus devices need location services in order to provide reliable scan results
  • BLUETOOTH : allows apps to connect to a paired bluetooth device
  • BLUETOOTH_ADMIN: allows apps to discover and pair bluetooth devices

Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

<!--bibo01 : hardware option-->
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required="false"/>

<!-- required for API 18 - 30 -->
    android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
    android:maxSdkVersion="30" />

<!-- API 31+ -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
    android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE" />

For iOS, it is required you add the following entries to the Info.plist file of your app. It is not allowed to access Core Bluetooth without this.

For more in depth details: Blog post on iOS bluetooth permissions

iOS13 and higher

<string>This app uses bluetooth to find, connect and sign transactions with your Ledger Nano X</string>

iOS12 and lower

<string>This app uses bluetooth to find, connect and sign transactions with your Ledger Nano X</string>

Ledger App Plugins

Each blockchain follows it own protocol which needs to be implemented before being able to get public keys & sign transactions. We introduced the concept of Ledger App Plugins so any developer can easily create and integrate their own Ledger App Plugin and share it with the community.

We added the first support for the Algorand blockchain:


ledger_algorand: ^latest-version
final algorandApp = AlgorandLedgerApp(ledger);
final publicKeys = await algorandApp.getAccounts(device);

Existing plugins


Scanning nearby devices

You can scan for nearby Ledger devices using the scan() method. This returns a Stream that can be listened to which emits when a new device has been found.

final subscription = ledger.scan().listen((device) => print(device));

Scanning stops once maxScanDuration is passed or the stop() method is called. The maxScanDuration is the maximum amount of time BLE discovery should run in order to find nearby devices.

await ledger.stop();


The Ledger Flutter plugin uses Bluetooth Low Energy which requires certain permissions to be handled on both iOS & Android. The plugin sends a callback every time a permission is required. All you have to do is override the onPermissionRequest and let the wonderful permission_handler package handle the rest.

final ledger = Ledger(
  options: options,
  onPermissionRequest: (status) async {
    Map<Permission, PermissionStatus> statuses = await [

    if (status != BleStatus.ready) {
      return false;

    return statuses.values.where((status) => status.isDenied).isEmpty;

Connect to a Ledger device

Once a LedgerDevice has been found, you can easily connect to the device using the connect() method.

await ledger.connect(device);

A LedgerException is thrown if unable to connect to the device.

The package also includes a devices stream which updates on connection changes.

final subscription = ledger.devices.listen((state) => print(state));

Get public keys

Depending on the required blockchain and Ledger Application Plugin, the getAccounts() method can be used to fetch the public keys from the Ledger Nano device.

Based on the implementation and supported protocol, there might be only one public key in the list of accounts.

final algorandApp = AlgorandLedgerApp(ledger);

final publicKeys = await algorandApp.getAccounts(device);
  accounts.addAll( => Address.fromAlgorandAddress(pk)).toList(),

Signing transactions

You can easily sign transactions using the supplied LedgerApp.

Here is an example using the algorand_dart SDK:

final algorandApp = AlgorandLedgerApp(channel.ledger);
final signature = await algorandApp.signTransaction(

final signedTx = SignedTransaction(
  transaction: event.transaction,
  signature: signature,

final txId = await algorand.sendTransaction(
    waitForConfirmation: true,


Use the disconnect() method to close an established connection with a ledger device.

await ledger.disconnect(device);


Always use the close() method to close all connections and dispose any potential listeners to not leak any resources.

await ledger.close();


Every method might throw a LedgerException which contains the message, cause and potential error code.

try {
  await channel.ledger.connect(device);
} on LedgerException catch (ex) {
  await channel.ledger.disconnect(device);

Custom Ledger App Plugins

Each blockchain follows it own APDU protocol which needs to be implemented before being able to get public keys & sign transactions.

Do you want to support another blockchain like Ethereum, then follow the steps below. You can always check the implementation details in ledger_algorand.

1. Create a new LedgerApp

Create a new class (e.g. EthereumLedgerApp) and extend from LedgerApp.

class EthereumLedgerApp extends LedgerApp {

  Future<List<String>> getAccounts(LedgerDevice device) async {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  Future<Uint8List> signTransaction(
    LedgerDevice device,
    Uint8List transaction,
  ) {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  Future<List<Uint8List>> signTransactions(
    LedgerDevice device,
    List<Uint8List> transactions,
  ) async {
    throw UnimplementedError();

2. Define the Ledger operation

Create a new Operation class (e.g EthereumPublicKeyOperation) for every APDU command and extend from LedgerOperation.

Follow and implement the APDU protocol for the desired blockchain.

APDU protocol:

class AlgorandPublicKeyOperation extends LedgerOperation<List<String>> {
  final int accountIndex;

    this.accountIndex = 0,

  Future<Uint8List> write(ByteDataWriter writer, int index, int mtu) async {
    writer.writeUint8(0x80); // ALGORAND_CLA
    writer.writeUint8(0x03); // PUBLIC_KEY_INS
    writer.writeUint8(0x00); // P1_FIRST
    writer.writeUint8(0x00); // P2_LAST
    writer.writeUint8(0x04); // ACCOUNT_INDEX_DATA_SIZE

    writer.writeUint32(accountIndex); // Account index as bytearray

    return writer.toBytes();

  Future<List<String>> read(ByteDataReader reader, int index, int mtu) async {
    return [

3. Implement the LedgerApp

The final step is to use the Ledger client to perform the desired operation on the connected Ledger. Implement the required methods on the LedgerApp.

Note that the interface for the LedgerApp might change for different blockchains, so feel free to open a Pull Request.

Future<List<String>> getAccounts(LedgerDevice device) async {
    return ledger.sendOperation<List<String>>(
      AlgorandPublicKeyOperation(accountIndex: accountIndex),


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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag enhancement.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/my-feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: my new feature)
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/my-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Please read our Contributing guidelines and try to follow Conventional Commits.


The ledger_flutter SDK is released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE for details.


A flutter plugin to connect with a Ledger Nano X using BLE







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