#Face Recognition
A Java application for face recognition under expressions, occlusions and pose variations.
This is a prototype with the goal of improving recognition accuracy and reliability under un-cooperative scenarios like expressions, occlusions (obstacles like spectacles) and pose variations (<60deg).
The project is tested with Bosphorous Database (http://bosphorus.ee.boun.edu.tr/default.aspx).
##Running the project:
Install latest version of JDK.
Install NetBeans.
Go to Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs(Uninstall Programs) and check any other databases are installed (e.g. Microsoft SQL or simply MySQL). If so, uninstall all.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package (vcredist_x86.exe).
Intall WAMP Server and start it.
Open NetBeans and create a new Java project. Delete the default package created. (For example, if the project name is abc, then NetBeans automatically creates a package with the same name along with .java file. Delete the complete package in Source Packages section )
Open the code and copy full "src" folder(Parent folder of all .java files) and paste it on Source Packages in NetBeans.
Now right click on Libraries and choose Add JAR/Folder option and open the "libs" folder that came with code. Select all(CTRL+A) and click Open.
Copy all .dll files came with code in the "dll" folder to C:\Windows folder [ONLY FOR 32 BIT SYSTEMS].
Install Java 3D API(java3d_1_5...exe).
Go to C:\Program Files\Java\Java3D\bin and copy all DLLs to C:\Windows [ONLY FOR 64 BIT SYSTEMS].
Open System Tray->Wamp Server green icon->Left Click->MySQL->MySQL Console. Press Enter. You should see mysql> prompt.
Enter the following commands:
create database 3dface;
use 3dface;
create table users(UserName varchar(30),Email varchar(50),Phone varchar(10),Password varchar(20));
13. Again open system tray->Wamp green icon left click->phpMyAdmin. Browser will be opened. Database list on left side. Click on "3dface". You can see "users" table and get confirmed with the same.
12. Run the project.