This repository demonstrates the use of RabbitMQ for message queuing and communication between producer and consumer applications. RabbitMQ is a powerful message broker that enables asynchronous communication, ensuring scalability and reliability in distributed systems.
A small example of how the Rabbitmq library and system works.
There are RabbitMQ.Client and newtonsoft.json libraries.
The application was created on a single project. If you want to use the application, run the producer library and open the bin file of the application and run the consumer exe.
This way you can track both queues and exchanges tabs on cloudampq.
All exchange types implemented. => As Exchange types +Fanout +Topic +Direct +header
Queues Output
Excanges Output
- If you don't have RabbitMQ installed, you can use Docker to quickly set it up:
docker run -d --hostname rabbitmq-host --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:management