A CLI parameter parser that makes 0 decisions about how you structure your project.
First, obviously, npm install pasamanos
In your code:
import { params } from 'pasamanos'
const fromCLI = params(process.argv, {
// or maybe take key=value pairs from somewhere else? I won't judge you.
const fromSomewhereElse = params(['-f=false','-v','--very-long-flag'], {
// say something
const { params } = require('pasamanos');
I get some variant of Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM] when using your module
Turns out using `microbundle` to ensure compatibility between ESM and CommonJS and such
uncovered a whole rat king worth of flags and version compatibility issues.
Sorry about that.
If you encounter this error, your best choice is requiring `pasamanos/dist/index.cjs`
instead of the default `pasamanos`.
Is this production ready?
I mean it's below 0.1 yet but you do you.