Releases: chingu-x/chingu-dashboard-modules
Releases · chingu-x/chingu-dashboard-modules
0.8.0 (2025-03-10)
Bug Fixes
- adjust meeting data logic (ac46ac8)
- fix issue with unbound this in usecase (b76ba6b)
- get voyage team undefined issue (8144bf7)
- issue with edit meeting not taking payload properly (ab2a3a6)
- issue with fetching questions with no response (b081af8)
- re-order parameters in url (0fb433b)
- remove unused paramters from edit agenda topic function (0ddcb5f)
- types (a959ba4)
- update dtos (450b7db)
- update get current sprint meeting use case (21e343e)
- update parameters for get sprint meeting id, fixes issue with retrieving meeting id (e401caf)
- update type (8edcd0e)
- update type and usecase (fffddbc)
- add AddAgendaTopicApiRequestDto (aa3a9a2)
- add add agenda topic function in sprint meeting api adapter (9678b6d)
- add add agenda topic function in sprint meeting client port (c3d1041)
- add add agenda topic url (c7ae5db)
- add AddAgendaTopicClientRequestDto (b5bbc9c)
- add AddAgendaTopicClientResponseDto (c869edd)
- add createFormResponseBody util function (f513b63)
- add deleteAgendaTopic function in sprint meeting client port (f03e2d0)
- add deleteAgendaTopic function in srpint meeting api port (92f848f)
- add DeleteAgendaTopicApiRequestDto (351e6ef)
- add DeleteAgendaTopicClientRequestDto (e2128f7)
- add DeleteAgendaTopicReponseDto (185ddb4)
- add edit agenda topic function in sprint meeting client port (58ade3d)
- add edit agenda topic url (0296d13)
- add editAgendaTopic function in sprint meeting api port (8be7a1b)
- add EditAgendaTopicApiRequestDto (84de47b)
- add EditAgendaTopicClientRequestDto (05e6261)
- add EditAgendaTopicResponseDto (66cd5eb)
- add EditAgendaTopicUsecaseDto (d2034c9)
- add fetch form questions request dto (99023ec)
- add fetch form questions response dto (fec41fe)
- add fetch meeting response dto (21f6fac)
- add fetch submit voyage project form api request dto (17082f0)
- add fetch submit voyage project form function in forms client port (d292748)
- add fetch submit voyage project form response dto (75a52de)
- add form urls (d35f2f6)
- add get current sprin meeeting id request dto (bae9107)
- add get current sprin meeeting id response dto (f9d8f03)
- add get current user voyage role client request dto (9639925)
- add get current user voyage role function in voyage team client port (2847728)
- add get current user voyage role response dto (a9c7d1c)
- add get current voyage user id usecase (5cff91f)
- add get meeting date client request dto (45baddb)
- add get meeting date function in timezone client port (7583414)
- add get meeting date response dto (39260dd)
- add get meeting date usecase dto (1002d28)
- add get voyage member roles function in voyage team client port (db58068)
- add get voyage member roles response dto (affbc4c)
- add get voyage members roles request dto (a1b23da)
- add get weekly check form request dto (9a4395b)
- add get weekly checkin form function in forms client port (6ec2762)
- add get weekly checkin form response dto (082499d)
- add getMeetingTimeWithTZAbbreviation function in timezone client port (f6088e8)
- add GetMeetingTimeWithTZAbbreviationClientRequestDto (7e99b79)
- add GetMeetingTimeWithTZAbbreviationResponseDto (3e318bb)
- add GetMeetingTimeWithTZAbbreviationUsecaseDto (c9e28e5)
- add getSprintByNumber function in sprint client port (7934a96)
- add getSprintStartDateBySprintNumber function in timezone client port (6ba349c)
- add is current sprint api request dto (f069d00)
- add is cur...