Packer stuff to build pfSense 2.1.4
- Packer
- Vagrant
- Virtualbox and/or VMware
We start with a pfSense 2.1.4 x32 base .iso and run a few scripts on it before creating a vagrant compatible .box for Virtualbox and/or VMware.
- ruby-gem chef installed for provisioning.
- User 'vagrant' is created with password 'vagrant' and added to user group 'wheel'.
- Enables passwordless sudo for user group 'wheel'.
- Authorized keys for 'vagrant' user are stored in the ~/.ssh directory.
- Enables ssh service at boot.
- Vagrant shared folders are turned off.
- Vagrant provisioning doesn't currently work so provision with Packer.
- get guest additions working
- read up more on pfSense 'pre-flight install' and see if we can use it |
- if that doesn't work, try restoring from floppy using packer/floppy_files and this link
There is quite a bit of hackery to get this working. I'm new to FreeBSD and pfSense so I'll document stuff here.
There is no 'preload' like Debian boxes, so instead we have to get certain things done in the 'boot command' step:
- install sudo, bash, ruby, rubygem-chef (omnibus installer doesn't work with FreeBSD 9), virtualbox-ose-additions
- create our user 'vagrant' with password 'vagrant'
- change root password to 'vagrant'
- add user 'vagrant' to 'wheel' group
- enable passwordless sudo for 'wheel' group
Once that's done we upload our config.xml from out http folder to the VM
- This config file may not be secure, I'm more focused on making things work for now.
Things that have to be in there for packer/vagrant to work:
- group 'wheel'
- user 'vagrant' with mitchellh authorized_key
pfSense likes to mess with /etc/passwd and other stuff on reboot so we need to reset our user 'vagrant' user stuff by using
in the imported config.xml to issue commands at boot<shellcmd>pw usermod vagrant -s /usr/local/bin/bash</shellcmd>
<shellcmd>pw group mod wheel -m vagrant</shellcmd>
<shellcmd>chown -R vagrant /home/vagrant/.ssh</shellcmd>
Frome here our regular scripts take over like a normal Packer install
- writes our /http/config.xml file to /conf/config.xml
- supposedly enables virtualbox modules but damned if I can get it working
- imports keys and stuff