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@chrischtel chrischtel released this 14 Nov 15:10
· 6 commits to master since this release

Welcome to the Zig cfitsio Wrapper!

We're excited to introduce the initial release of our Zig wrapper for the cfitsio library. This project aims to provide a simple and idiomatic interface for working with NASA's FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files in the Zig programming language.

Release: v0.1.0-alpha.1

In this 0.1.0-alpha.1 release, you'll find the following key features:

  • Open and close FITS files
  • Retrieve the number of Header-Data Units (HDUs) in a FITS file
  • Get the dimensions of FITS file data

We've focused on establishing a stable foundation for interacting with the underlying cfitsio library. Future releases will expand the functionality to include reading, writing, and manipulating FITS data, along with enhanced error handling.

Please report any issues or feedback on our GitHub repository. We're committed to making this wrapper a valuable tool for the Zig community.

Thank you for trying out our project!

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