This PowerShell Module acts as a wrapper for the internal Datto DBPool API.
There is no need to go through a big learning curve spending lots of time working out how to use the Datto DBPool API.
Simply load the module, enter your API key and get results within minutes!
This Powershell module acts as a wrapper for the Datto DBPool API, and is designed to make it easier to use the internal DBPool API in your PowerShell scripts. As much of the hard work is done, you can develop your scripts faster and be more effecient.
While not strictly nessicary, installing the latest version of PowerShell 7 (or greater depending on latest version) is highly reccomended.
This module should™ function with the default Windows PowerShell 5.1 though it is encouraged to install the latest version where possible as this has been built and tested against the latest stable release.
First get your personal API key from the DBPool web Url
You will want to store this in a secure location, such as a password manager or other secret store.
Installation from PowerShell Gallery
This may require to upgrade the default version of PowerShellGet for Windows PowerShell 5.1
Install using PowerShellGet
Install-Module -Name 'Datto.DBPool.API' -Scope CurrentUser
Install-PSResource -Name Datto.DBPool.API -Scope CurrentUser
cmdlet Add-DBPoolApiKey at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
apiKey: ************************************
id : 123456
image :
name : AdminDB(clone)
power : True
defaultDatabase : dattoSystem
dateCreated : @{date=2024-04-26 11:00:22.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStarted : @{date=2024-10-31 11:00:23.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStopped :
host : use1-dbpoolstorage-4.datto.lan
port : 88588
username : admin
password : **REDACTED**
node : @{id=5; name=use1-dbpoolstorage-4; ip=; fqdn=use1-dbpoolstorage-4.datto.lan; total_containers=117; powered_on_containers=57; powered_off_containers=60;
remaining_containers=43; maximum_containers=100}
parent : @{id=27;; name=AdminDB on percona 5.7.23; defaultDatabase=dattoSystem; node=; useNewSync=True; sync=False}
users : {@{id=2111; username=first.last; displayName=John Doe;}}
id : 987654
image :
name : DattoAuth-(clone)
power : True
defaultDatabase : dattoAuth
dateCreated : @{date=2024-04-26 11:00:20.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStarted : @{date=2024-10-31 22:41:50.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStopped :
host : use1-dbpoolstorage-10.datto.lan
port : 25525
username : admin
password : **REDACTED**
node : @{id=11; name=use1-dbpoolstorage-10; ip=; fqdn=use1-dbpoolstorage-10.datto.lan; total_containers=152; powered_on_containers=102; powered_off_containers=50;
remaining_containers=118; maximum_containers=220}
parent : @{id=17;; name=DattoAuth on percona 5.7.23; defaultDatabase=dattoAuth; node=; useNewSync=True; sync=False}
users : {@{id=2111; username=first.last; displayName=John Doe;}}
id : 135790
image :
name : legoDB(clone-1)
power : True
defaultDatabase : legoCloud
dateCreated : @{date=2024-04-26 16:50:37.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStarted : @{date=2024-10-31 11:00:24.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStopped :
host : use1-dbpoolstorage-9.datto.lan
port : 42069
username : admin
password : **REDACTED**
node : @{id=10; name=use1-dbpoolstorage-9; ip=; fqdn=use1-dbpoolstorage-9.datto.lan; total_containers=141; powered_on_containers=95; powered_off_containers=46;
remaining_containers=125; maximum_containers=220}
parent : @{id=14;; name=legoDB; defaultDatabase=legoCloud; node=; useNewSync=True; sync=False}
users : {@{id=2111; username=first.last; displayName=John Doe;}}
id : 102030
image :
name : legoDB(clone-2)
power : True
defaultDatabase : legoCloud
dateCreated : @{date=2024-04-26 11:00:27.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStarted : @{date=2024-10-31 11:00:25.000000; timezone_type=3; timezone=UTC}
dateStopped :
host : use1-dbpoolstorage-10.datto.lan
port : 23455
username : admin
password : **REDACTED**
node : @{id=11; name=use1-dbpoolstorage-10; ip=; fqdn=use1-dbpoolstorage-10.datto.lan; total_containers=152; powered_on_containers=102; powered_off_containers=50;
remaining_containers=118; maximum_containers=220}
parent : @{id=14;; name=legoDB; defaultDatabase=legoCloud; node=; useNewSync=True; sync=False}
users : {@{id=2111; username=first.last; displayName=John Doe;}}
Invoke-DBPoolContainerAction -Action refresh -Id (Get-DBPoolContainer).Id -Force
Success: Invoking Action [ restart ] on Container [ ID: 123456 ].
Success: Invoking Action [ restart ] on Container [ ID: 987654 ].
Success: Invoking Action [ restart ] on Container [ ID: 135790 ].
Success: Invoking Action [ restart ] on Container [ ID: 102030 ].
Looking for a way to automate DBPool container Refresh? Check out the Datto.DBPool.Refresh module!