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Try jupyterlite v0.4 pre-release + preload ipyfilite and pyodide-http #82

Try jupyterlite v0.4 pre-release + preload ipyfilite and pyodide-http

Try jupyterlite v0.4 pre-release + preload ipyfilite and pyodide-http #82

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and Deploy
- main
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install nix
uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v27
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Install the dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Prepare Pyodide
run: |
git submodule init pyodide
git submodule update pyodide
- name: Check the Pyodide version
run: |
echo "PYODIDE_SHA_SHORT=$(git submodule status pyodide | cut -c 2-8)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Cache the Pyodide build
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ./pyodide
key: pyodide-${{ env.PYODIDE_SHA_SHORT }}-${{ hashFiles('patches/pyodide.patch') }}
restore-keys: |
pyodide-${{ env.PYODIDE_SHA_SHORT }}-${{ hashFiles('patches/pyodide.patch') }}
pyodide-${{ env.PYODIDE_SHA_SHORT }}
- name: Add a read-only SSH key to pull private dependencies
uses: webfactory/[email protected]
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.FCBENCH_SSH_TOKEN }}
- name: Checkout and patch pyodide
run: |
cd pyodide
git apply --whitespace=nowarn ../patches/pyodide.patch
cp -r ../fcpy packages/fcpy/fcpy
git clone [email protected]:juntyr/field-compression-benchmark.git \
cd packages/field-compression-benchmark/field-compression-benchmark
git submodule update --init wasi/wit-deps/wasi-*
git apply ../patches/0001-codecs-build.patch
- name: Pre-build the wasm codecs for fcbench
run: |
cd pyodide/packages/field-compression-benchmark/field-compression-benchmark
# Build the codecs
cargo build -p codecs-build -vv
# Clean up after the build
cargo clean
grep '^channel\s*=\s*' rust-toolchain \
| sed 's/channel.*=.*\"\(.*\)\"/\1/' \
| xargs rustup toolchain uninstall
nix store gc
- name: Build Pyodide and all required packages
run: |
cd pyodide
PYODIDE_DOCKER_IMAGE=$(docker build . -q) \
./run_docker \
--non-interactive \
PYODIDE_PACKAGES="basemap,fcpy,field-compression-benchmark,ipyfilite,ipython,earthkit,proplot" \
- name: Clean up the pyodide build
run: |
cd pyodide
git apply --whitespace=nowarn --reverse ../patches/pyodide.patch
rm -rf packages/fcpy/fcpy
rm -rf packages/field-compression-benchmark/field-compression-benchmark
rm -rf .docker_home
find . -name jupyter-lite.json -delete
find . -name jupyter_lite_config.json -delete
cd ..
mkdir -p static
cp -r pyodide/dist static/pyodide
rm -rf static/pyodide/*-tests.tar
rm -f static/pyodide/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
- name: Build the JupyterLite site
run: |
jupyter lite build --output-dir dist
cp ./_headers dist/
cp -r data dist/
cp static/favicons/favicon.ico dist/
find dist/ -name favicon.ico | xargs -L1 cp -f static/favicons/favicon.ico
rm -rf static
- name: Deploy to dist branch
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_branch: dist
publish_dir: ./dist
force_orphan: true