OpenLPT 2.0 is a new version of particle tracking code. It can be used for tracking dense tracers, polydisperse bubbles and many other objects.
Look how easy it is to use:
# Use in command line
${code_path}/bin/OpenLPT.exe config.txt
# Use in python
import pyOpenLPT as lpt
# redirect std::cout to python
redirector = lpt.PythonStreamRedirector()
config_file = '${path_to_config_file}'
- User-friendly interface in python
- Lagrangian particle tracking for multiple objects (point-like particles, spherical particles, etc.)
- Support stereomatching with multiple cameras (at least 2)
- Include multiple test cases for users to test and understand the code
- Better structure for adding new functions
- CMake
- Anaconda or Miniconda
- (Windows users) Visual Studio. Note: install the c++ development tools
- (Linux users) gcc.
Create a python environment and install dependencies (for Windows users, it is suggested to use Anaconda Prompt finish the following steps).
# use conda
conda create -n OpenLPT python=3.9
conda activate OpenLPT
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda deactivate
Download the source code from github and install it
git clone
cd OpenLPT
conda activate OpenLPT
pip install .
conda deactivate
Use the package
# conda activate OpenLPT (run in the bash)
import pyOpenLPT as lpt
redirector = lpt.PythonStreamRedirector()
config_file = '${path_to_config_file}'
Users who want to install the pure cpp version can refer to the file
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code: OpenLPT 2.0
If you are having issues, please let me know. I have a mailing list located at: [email protected]
The project is licensed under the MIT license.