OpenLPTGUI 1.0 is a user-friendly GUI written in python for OpenLPT. OpenLPT is a code for Lagrangian particle tracking, and OpenLPTGUI is a GUI including camera calibration, image pre-processing, installing/running OpenLPT, and Volume Self-Calibration.
This code is modified from contExt.
Look how easy it is to use:
conda activate OpenLPT
or double-click the installed execusable file ./release/dist/OpenLPTGUI.exe.
- Anaconda: add the /bin/ folder to the system environment variable.
- pyOpenLPT: make sure this package is installed in the same python environment.
git clone
conda create --name OpenLPT python=3.9.18
conda activate OpenLPT
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda deactivate
If users want to generate the excusable file, you can run the following code:
- Windows:
- Linux:
bash ./