#Cylindrical Wave Field Experimental Data The experiments were conducted to measure the linear cylindrical coefficients of bodies in water waves. The experiments employed two body geometries, an attenuator consisting of a horizontal pitching cylinder, and a terminator made up of a bottom-hinged flap. An array of 59 wave gauges was arranged in a circle-spoke pattern, where the circle of wave gauges was necessary for deriving the cylindrical coefficients, and the spokes, which extended radially further afield, were used for validation. Both the scattered and the radiated waves of the bodies were examined at three frequencies.
This repository contains the MATLAB scripts used for processing the data.
##Data The experimental data from these tests is available on Figshare:
- Summary: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Summary/1412668
- Raw data: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Raw_Data/1404959
- Body geometry: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Body/1404120
- Wave gauge setup: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Wave_Gauge/1404122
- Incident wave: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Wave/1404121
- Photos: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Photos/1404123
- Videos: http://figshare.com/articles/Cylindrical_Wave_Field_Experiments_Videos/1404137
##Getting started The best place to start is with the examples in the 'examples' folder. For these you will also need the raw data. Download all of the raw data and put it in a single folder. Then in the examples, change the directory to the folder where the raw data is. Have Fun!
##Citation If you use this data in published work, please cite the 'Raw Data' file set:
McNatt, Cameron (2015): Cylindrical Wave Field Experiments - Raw Data. figshare.