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Fly with Passkey Γ— AWS Cognito = Passquito!

A PoC on passkey authentication inspired by aws-samples/amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth.


Usage scenarios and some details

The usage scenarios consist of two major parts:

  1. Registration
  2. Authentication

Registration scenarios

The registration scenarios have two variations:

  1. Registration of a new user
  2. Registration of a new device of an existing user

The following sections in Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 3 are recommended to read for better understanding of the scenarios:

Registration of a new user

  1. Your app provides a form for a user to sign up.

  2. The user fills the form with the username and the display name.

    Neither the username nor the display name are necessarily unique. They are provided for the user to locate the passkey in user's device.

  3. The user hits the sign up button.

  4. Your app POSTs the username and the display name to the registration start endpoint (/registration/start).

  5. The registration start endpoint generates a unique ID for the user β†’ the user ID.

  6. The registration start endpoint creates a public key credential creation options which includes a challenge.

    The user handle of the public key credential creation options is the user ID.

  7. The registration start endpoint stores a new registration session in the session store.

    The registration session includes the following parameters:

    • session ID: the primary key
    • user ID
    • username
    • display name
    • challenge
  8. The registration start endpoint returns the session ID and public key credential creation options to your app.

  9. Your app initiates a public key creation with the public key credential creation options.

  10. The user authorizes the public key creation.

  11. User's authenticator creates a new key pair (a private key and a public key).

  12. User's authenticator signs the challenge with the private key β†’ the signature.

  13. User's authenticator returns a public key credential which includes the public key and the signature to your app.

  14. Your app POSTs the session ID and the public key credential to the registration finish endpoint (/registration/finish).

  15. The registration finish endpoint pops the registration session associated with the session ID from the session store.

  16. The registration finish endpoint verifies the public key credential.

    The following parameters are involved in the verification:

    • challenge
    • public key
    • signature
  17. The registration finish endpoint creates a new Cognito user with the following attributes:

    • username: user ID
    • preferred_username: username
    • name: display name

    The Cognito user is provided with a random password, which is confirmed upon creation; i.e., the user never faces it.

  18. The registration finish endpoint stores the public key along with the following parameters in the credential store:

    • user ID: the primary key
    • The credential ID of the public key: the primary key
    • The sub attribute of the Cognito user
  19. The registration finish endpoint returns an empty OK response to your app.

Sequence diagram:

    actor User
    participant Authenticator
    participant YourApp
    participant RegistrationStartEndpoint
    participant RegistrationFinishEndpoint
    participant SessionStore
    participant CredentialStore
    participant Cognito

    YourApp-)User: Provide the form
    User-)YourApp: Fill the form
    User-)YourApp: Hit the sign up button
    activate YourApp

    YourApp->>RegistrationStartEndpoint: POST /registration/start
    activate RegistrationStartEndpoint

    RegistrationStartEndpoint->>RegistrationStartEndpoint: Generate a user ID
    RegistrationStartEndpoint->>RegistrationStartEndpoint: Create a public key credential creation options
    RegistrationStartEndpoint->>SessionStore: Store a registration session
    activate SessionStore
    SessionStore-->>RegistrationStartEndpoint: Registration session
    deactivate SessionStore
    RegistrationStartEndpoint-->>YourApp: Session ID, public key credential creation options
    deactivate RegistrationStartEndpoint
    YourApp-)Authenticator: Initiate a public key creation
    activate Authenticator
    deactivate YourApp

    Authenticator-)User: Ask for the authorization
    User-)Authenticator: Authorize the public key creation
    Authenticator->>Authenticator: Create a new key pair
    Authenticator->>Authenticator: Sign the challenge
    Authenticator-)YourApp: Public key credential
    activate YourApp
    deactivate Authenticator

    YourApp->>RegistrationFinishEndpoint: POST /registration/finish
    activate RegistrationFinishEndpoint

    RegistrationFinishEndpoint->>SessionStore: Pop the registration session
    activate SessionStore
    SessionStore-->>RegistrationFinishEndpoint: Registration session
    deactivate SessionStore
    RegistrationFinishEndpoint->>RegistrationFinishEndpoint: Verify the public key credential
    RegistrationFinishEndpoint->>Cognito: Create a new Cognito user
    activate Cognito
    Cognito-->>RegistrationFinishEndpoint: Cognito user
    deactivate Cognito
    RegistrationFinishEndpoint->>CredentialStore: Store the public key
    activate CredentialStore
    CredentialStore-->>RegistrationFinishEndpoint: OK
    deactivate CredentialStore
    RegistrationFinishEndpoint-->>YourApp: OK
    deactivate RegistrationFinishEndpoint

    YourApp-)User: OK
    deactivate YourApp

Registration of a new device of an existing user


Authentication scenarios

The authentication scenarios have two variations:

  1. Authentication with discoverable credentials
  2. Authentication of a specific user

The authentication sceanrios utilize the custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers of AWS Cognito to implement a custom authentication flow. Please refer to Section Custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers in Amazon Cognito Developer Guide for better understanding of the custom authentication flow.

Authentication with discoverable credentials

  1. Your app shows a web page for a user to sign in.

  2. Your app sends a POST request to the discoverable endpoint (/discoverable/start).

  3. The discoverable endpoint creates a public key credential request options which include a challenge and a relying party ID.

  4. The discoverable endpoint stores a new discoverable authentication session in the session store.

    The discoverable authentication session includes the following parameters:

    • challenge: the primary key
    • public key credential request options
  5. The discoverable endpoint returns the public key credential request options to your app.

  6. Your app initiates a discoverable credential request with the public key credential request options.

  7. User's authenticator asks the user to select a passkey from those associated with the relying party ID in user's authenticator.

    A passkey includes a key pair of a private key and a public key.

  8. The user selects a passkey.

  9. User's authenticator asks the user to authorize the use of the passkey.

  10. The user authorizes the use of the passkey.

  11. User's authenticator signs the challenge with the private key β†’ the signature.

  12. User's authenticator returns a public key credential which includes the public key and the signature to your app.

  13. Your app extracts the user handle from the public key credential, which is equal to the user ID.

  14. Your app calls the InitiateAuth AWS Cognito API with the following parameters:

    • AuthFlow: "CUSTOM_AUTH"
    • AuthParameters:
      • USERNAME: user ID
  15. AWS Cognito invokes the define auth challenge trigger.

  16. The define auth challenge trigger initiates a custom authentication flow.

  17. AWS Cognito invokes the create auth challenge trigger.

  18. The create auth challenge trigger returns a dummy challenge parameter.

    The true challenge was created at Step 3.

  19. AWS Cognito returns a custom challenge to your app.

  20. Your app calls the RespondToAuthChallenge AWS Cognito API with the following parameters:

    • ChallengeName: "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE"
    • Session: the session associated with the custom challenge
    • ChallengeResponses:
      • USERNAME: user ID
      • ANSWER: the public key credential
  21. AWS Cognito invokes the verify auth challenge trigger.

  22. The verify auth challenge trigger pops the discoverable authentication session associated with the challenge from the session store.

    This is the discoverable authentication session stored at Step 4.

  23. The verify auth challenge trigger queries the credential store for the public keys associated with the user ID.

  24. The verify auth challenge trigger verifies the public key credential.

    The following parameters are involved in the verification:

    • challenge
    • public keys
    • signature
  25. The verify auth challenge trigger updates the used public key in the credential store if necessary.

  26. The verify auth challenge trigger accepts the public key credential.

  27. AWS Cognito returns an access tokens to your app.

Sequence diagram:

    actor User
    participant Authenticator
    participant YourApp
    participant DiscoverableEndpoint
    participant Cognito
    participant DefineAuthChallenge
    participant CreateAuthChallenge
    participant VerifyAuthChallenge
    participant SessionStore
    participant CredentialStore

    YourApp-)User: Show the sign-in page
    activate YourApp

    YourApp->>DiscoverableEndpoint: POST /discoverable/start
    activate DiscoverableEndpoint
    DiscoverableEndpoint->>DiscoverableEndpoint: Create a public key credential request options
    DiscoverableEndpoint->>SessionStore: Store a discoverable authentication session
    activate SessionStore
    SessionStore-->>DiscoverableEndpoint: Discoverable authentication session
    deactivate SessionStore
    DiscoverableEndpoint-->>YourApp: Public key credential request options
    deactivate DiscoverableEndpoint

    YourApp-)Authenticator: Initiate a discoverable credential request
    activate Authenticator
    deactivate YourApp

    Authenticator-)User: Ask to select a passkey
    User-)Authenticator: Select a passkey
    Authenticator-)User: Ask to authorize the use of the passkey
    User-)Authenticator: Authorize the use of the passkey
    Authenticator->>Authenticator: Sign the challenge
    Authenticator-)YourApp: Public key credential
    activate YourApp
    deactivate Authenticator

    YourApp->>YourApp: Extract the user ID
    YourApp->>Cognito: InitiateAuth
    activate Cognito
    Cognito->>DefineAuthChallenge: Invoke
    activate DefineAuthChallenge
    DefineAuthChallenge-->>Cognito: Initiate a custom authentication flow
    deactivate DefineAuthChallenge
    Cognito->>CreateAuthChallenge: Invoke
    activate CreateAuthChallenge
    CreateAuthChallenge-->>Cognito: Dummy challenge
    deactivate CreateAuthChallenge
    Cognito-->>YourApp: Custom challenge
    deactivate Cognito

    YourApp->>Cognito: RespondToAuthChallenge
    activate Cognito
    Cognito->>VerifyAuthChallenge: Invoke
    activate VerifyAuthChallenge
    VerifyAuthChallenge->>SessionStore: Pop the discoverable authentication session
    activate SessionStore
    SessionStore-->>VerifyAuthChallenge: Discoverable authentication session
    deactivate SessionStore
    VerifyAuthChallenge->>CredentialStore: Query public keys
    activate CredentialStore
    CredentialStore-->>VerifyAuthChallenge: Public keys
    deactivate CredentialStore
    VerifyAuthChallenge->>VerifyAuthChallenge: Verify the public key credential
    opt The public key has been updated
        VerifyAuthChallenge->>CredentialStore: Update the public key
        activate CredentialStore
        CredentialStore-->>VerifyAuthChallenge: OK
        deactivate CredentialStore
    VerifyAuthChallenge-->>Cognito: Accept
    deactivate VerifyAuthChallenge
    Cognito-->>YourApp: Access tokens
    deactivate Cognito

    YourApp-)User: OK
    deactivate YourApp

Authentication of a specific user

This is not precisely a passkey authentication, but a passwordless authentication.


MIT License

Except for the following materials licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (


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