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🌸 Jacaranda

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⚠️ BETA SOFTWARE: This library is in active development and not yet recommended for production use. APIs may change without notice. Feel free to try it out and provide feedback!

Provides a way to styling components in React Native with better experience and composability. The key feature is the ability to create multi-variants styles with a type-safe definition inspired by Stitches and CVA (for React apps).


  • 🎨 Token-based styling system
  • 🧩 Variant API for conditional styling
  • 🔄 Compound variants for complex style combinations
  • 🧠 Type-safe with full TypeScript support
  • 🏎️ Lightweight and performant
  • 🧪 Fully tested


  • Variants definition.
  • Default variants.
  • Support to define design tokens.
  • Styled function to styling component using design tokens.
  • Use Stylesheet.create instead a simple objects.
  • Access to props from styles defined into styled components.
  • Default design tokens.

Create your config file

To configure Jacaranda, create a jacaranda.config.ts file (.js works too) to define your reusable design tokens and import the defineTokens function.

// jacaranda.config.ts
import { defineTokens } from 'jacaranda';

This function receives an object with the design tokens.

  • colors: Define your colors design tokens.
  • space: Define your spacing.
  • fonts: Define your fonts.
  • fontSize: Define your font sizes.
  • lineHeight: Define your line heights.

And returns a sva function that you can use to style your components.

// jacaranda.config.ts
import { defineTokens } from 'jacaranda';

export const { sva, tokens } = defineTokens({
  colors: {
    primary50: '#ecfeff',
    primary100: '#cffafe',
    primary200: '#a5f3fc',
    primary300: '#67e8f9',
    primary400: '#22d3ee',
    primary500: '#06b6d4',
    primary600: '#0e93d1',
    primary700: '#1570ad',
    secondary50: '#ecfdf5',
    secondary100: '#d9f9eb',
    secondary200: '#bbfde8',
    secondary300: '#86f9d9',
    secondary400: '#0d9488',
    secondary500: '#027a7b',
    secondary600: '#016464',
    secondary700: '#014747',
  fontSize: {
    xs: 4,
    sm: 8,
    md: 16,
    lg: 24,
    xl: 32,
    xxl: 40,

Import and use it

After the tokens are defined, you can use the design tokens in your components. You'll be importing the sva function from the jacaranda.config.ts file.

Available properties:

  • base: The base styles for the element.
  • variants: The different visual styles for the element.
  • compoundVariants: Styles that apply when multiple other variant conditions are met.
  • defaultVariants: Set a variant by default when no variant is provided.
// Button.tsx
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { type VariantProps } from 'jacaranda';
import { sva } from './jacaranda.config';

type ButtonProps = VariantProps<typeof buttonStyles> & {
  children?: React.ReactNode;

export const Button = (props: ButtonProps) => {
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity style={buttonStyles(props)}>
      <Text>Click me</Text>

const buttonStyles = sva({
  base: {
    borderRadius: 8,
  variants: {
    intent: {
      primary: {
        backgroundColor: '$colors.primary50',
      secondary: {
        backgroundColor: '$colors.secondary50',
    size: {
      sm: { paddingHorizontal: 8, paddingVertical: 6 },
      md: { paddingHorizontal: 12, paddingVertical: 8 },
      lg: { paddingHorizontal: 16, paddingVertical: 10 },
  defaultVariants: {
    intent: 'primary',
    size: 'md',

Styled Components with Design Tokens

Jacaranda provides a styled function similar to styled-components that allows you to create styled React Native components with access to your design tokens.

Key features:

  • Create reusable styled components from any React Native component
  • Access design tokens using the $ prefix (e.g. $colors.primary50)
  • Supports all React Native style properties
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { styled } from './jacaranda.config';

const StyledView = styled(View)({
  backgroundColor: '$colors.primary50',

export const Screen = () => {
  return <StyledView></StyledView>;


Extract variants from a component

You can use the VariantProps type to extract the variants from a component.

import { type VariantProps } from 'jacaranda';

type ButtonProps = VariantProps<typeof buttonStyles>;

Copyright @ 2025 by Javier Diaz