herlka (he[rlang]ka) is a client for Mozilla Heka with lager support.
It will sends all log entries (over tcp/udp) to hekad for further processing, with support for heka fields.
For lager, it also send gathered metadata as fields to allow easier toml and lua-sandbox filtering.
Include this backend into your project's rebar config:
{herlka, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/codmajik/herlka.git", "master"}}
To start helka logger add the follow to your sys.config file
{herlka, [
{loggers, [
{name_of_logger_process, [
{transport, upd | tcp},
{host, inet:hostname() | inet:ipaddress()},
{port, inet:port()},
{cache_proto_buffer_to_dets, atom()},
{hmac_func, md5 | sha},
{hmac_key, null | binary()},
{hmac_signer, null | binary()},
{hmac_key_ver, null | integer()}
- name_of_logger_process is the name registered for hekad logger process
- messages would only be signed when hmac_key, hmac_signer, hmac_key_ver are all not set to null [atom()]
###Make Lager forward log messages to herlka logger
{lager, [
{handlers, [
{herlka_lager_backend, [
{logger, atom()},
{level, lager:log_level()},
{identity, string()}
- support tls
- support unix domain socket transport (use afunix - though erlangers usually don't like nif drivers)
####Contact twitter: @codmajik email: [email protected]