Implement and extend the capability of the bin packing formulation in "Models and bounds for two-dimensional level packing problems", by Lodi A, Martello S, Vigo D, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 8:363–379, 2004.
The problem corresponds to a 2-dimensional bin packing problem by levels: it assumes that items and bins are rectangular, that items need to be packed in non-overlapping levels, and that rotation of the items is not allowed. This basic model is extended by:
- Adding different types of bins and associated costs: it is assumed that there are different types of furnitures and each piece of furniture contains a fixed number of uniform bins (e.g., furniture type A contains 3 bins of dimensions 10x20 each one, and the cost corresponds to the full piece of type A with the 3 bins).
- Allowing constraints that restrict items to be in the same level or the same bin in the final solution.
- Allowing constraints to restrict items to a specific type of bin.
All the codes are formulated in Python and use Gurobi as solver.
The code has been tested in a MacBook Pro with 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 and 32 GB, with Gurobi 11.0. The code requires:
- Python
- Gurobipy solver
- Pandas
- matplotlib
- this file contains the main file to run the bin packing problem.
- example_bin_packing.ipybn: Jupyter notebook file containing an example with artificial data using the file.
Juan S. Campos
All the codes are released under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.
- Lodi A, Martello S, Vigo D (2004) Models and bounds for two-dimensional level packing problems. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 8:363–379.