This addon register Galleria JQuery plugin in Plone's resource registries.
version: 1.6.1
Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.
- Plone 5.2 (tested)
- Python 3.7+ (tested)
To enable this package in a buildout-based installation:
- Edit your buildout.cfg and add
to the list of eggs to install:
eggs =
After updating the configuration you need to run ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system.
Go to the 'Site Setup' page in a Plone site and click on the 'Add-ons' link.
Check the box next to collective.js.galleria
and click the 'Activate' button.
Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket.
Galleria in its way to manage theme parse all link tags to find the css attached to the theme. To make it work in production mode you must add themes javascript and css called by the template.
// Patch for Plone // Escapes \+\+ from the urls \+\+resource\+\+, \+\+plone\+\+ and \+\+theme\+\+ // to avoid errors in RegExp. _fix_plone_resource_url = (function(url) { return url.replace('\+\+plone\+\+', '\\+\\+plone\\+\\+').replace( '\+\+resource\+\+', '\\+\\+resource\\+\\+').replace( '\+\+theme\+\+', '\\+\\+theme\\+\\+') }); ... // look for manually added CSS $('link').each(function( i, link ) { // Patch for Plone reg = new RegExp( _fix_plone_resource_url(theme.css) ); if ( reg.test( link.href ) ) { // we found the css css = true; // the themeload trigger _themeLoad( theme ); return false; } });
As you can see the original code has been patched to support ++resource++, ++plone++ and ++theme++ URLs.
Starting from version 1.6.1 this package is compatible only with Plone 5.2
To uglify Javascript, we can use the following commands:
$ cd src/collective/js/galleria/resources
$ yarn install
$ yarn uglifyjs
This will generate galleria.min.js
uglify based on galleria.js
- JeanMichel FRANCOIS aka toutpt <[email protected]>