MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome visualization. MitoZ is available from
MitoZ is developed and tested under Linux version 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64 ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Mar 21 19:29:05 UTC 2017
>10 GB
It takes ~100G when we tested MitoZ with --thread_number 16
. This is because MitoZ uses the de Bruijn graph (DBG) algorithm to perform de novo assembly. To learn more, see
there are ways to reduce the memory usage:
enrich the mitochondrion during experiment step (e.g. via gene capture array). This can lead to a higher mitochondrial derived reads ratio in the HTS data, and then you can use less data for MitoZ input, which can reduce memory usage of MitoZ.
filter out the mitochondrial reads by mapping reads against mitogenomes of closely-related species (if any). provide such reads (a smaller volume of data) to MitoZ.
MitoZ includes multiple modules, including all
, all2
, filter
, assemble
, findmitoscaf
, annotate
and visualize
Important: make sure you are in the mitozEnv
environment when you run MitoZ!
$ source activate mitozEnv
for installation instruction.
Now create a directory for one sample:
$ mkdir ~/example
$ cd ~/example
The most preferable data for mitochondrial genome assembly is always data with high ratio of mitochondrial derived reads and little contamination. For example, tissue samples may be better than blood samples or gut samples.
About 1.5 to 3G base pair (bp) is enough for mitochondrial genome assembly.
e.g. raw.1.fq.gz
and raw.2.fq.gz
or clean.1.fq.gz
and clean.2.fq.gz
The read length should be >= 71bp (PE71). Typically, I use data of PE100 or PE150 sequencing.
The length of read1 and read2 must be equal. You should trim your data (e.g. use the option --keep_region
in filter
function of MitoZ) before running MitoZ.
The insert size of pair-end library should be small insert size (<1000 bp). I do not recommend to use data of large insert size (>1000bp, mate-pair library), because this kind of data usually is not good as small insert size data.
MitoZ supports simple data pretreatment (remove low quality, many Ns reads, duplications),
thus you can provide MitoZ the raw data (fastq files) from WGS experiments directly.
In this case, you can use the all
or filter
module to perform data filtering.
Or, you can provide MitoZ the clean data, which have been filtered by other tools.
NB: since single-end data lacks pairing information that is useful in the scaffolding step, it may not be able to generate mitochondrial genome assembly of quality as good as that generated using paired-end data.
(needs fastq only when the input assembly (containing nuclear and mitochondrial sequences) is not from SOAPdenovo-Trans or mitoAssemble, to caculate the sequence sequencing depth)
When you annotate a mitogenome sequence(s) stored in fasta file, the sequence id can not be too long, or MitoZ will fail. This is for some limitation in BioPython that MitoZ invokes.
It is important to set a correct genetic code for MitoZ (--genetic_code
option). Usually, arthropods use the invertebrate mitochondrial code (--genetic_code 5
), and mammals use the vertebrate mitochondrial code (--genetic_code 2
).Please refer to for more details.
MitoZ use the genetic code for annotating the Protein coding genes (PCGs) of mitochondrial genome.
It is also important to set a correct taxa group for MitoZ (--clade
MitoZ use the --clade
option to choose corresponding database (HMM modules, CM modules, protein reference sequences).
Now MitoZ supports use a configure file to set the parameter, besides using the command line way (as the examples in the later sections).
For example,
$ python3 all --create_config
will a file mitoz_all_config.txt
, which contains the paramters same as output by python3 all -h
Then modify the file mitoz_all_config.txt
as the instructions in the file.
The example configure file for each module has also been placed in the directory example_configure_files/
$ python3 all --config mitoz_all_config.txt
module supports pair-end data and single-end data.
module requires only two input pair-end fastq files, and outputs a genbank file containing mitochondrial genome sequences and annotation information.
Internally, all
module runs filter
, assemble
, findmitoscaf
, annotate
and visualize
module sequentially, which really makes MitoZ an "on-click" solution for mitogenome analysis from raw HTS data.
Pair-end(PE) fastq files (raw.1.fq.gz
and raw.2.fq.gz
), and optional files 1.adapter.list.gz
and 2.adapter.list.gz
$ python3 all --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix ZZZ \
--thread_number 12 \
--fastq1 raw.1.fq.gz \
--fastq2 raw.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 2 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda'
For more details, please refer to python3 all -h
├── tmp
│  ├── ZZZ.annotation
│  ├── ZZZ.assembly
│  └── ZZZ.cleandata
└── ZZZ.result
├── work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.high_abundance_10.0X.reformat.sorted.Not-picked
├── work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.high_abundance_10.0X.reformat.sorted.Not-picked.fa
├── work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.low_abundance
├── work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.low_abundance.fasta
├── work71.mitogenome.fa
├── work71.most_related_species.txt
├── ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.gbf
├── ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.sqn
├── ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.tbl
├── ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.val
├── errorsummary.val
├── ZZZ.fasta
├── ZZZ.cds
├── ZZZ.rrna
├── ZZZ.trna
├── ZZZ.misc_feature
├── circos.png
├── circos.svg
├── summary.txt
└── README.txt
The intermediate files are in the tmp
directory, and ZZZ.result
contains the result files
for your sample.
Files in ZZZ.result
A brief instruction about each file in the ZZZ.result
A summary about the mitogenome in ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.gbf
(or the *.mitogenome.fa
if you run assemble
or findmitoscaf
module), including a list of genes,
numbers of genes recovered totally, what genes may be missing (if any), the sequence length,
circularity, most closely related species.
Visualizations of the mitogenome in ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.gbf
The mitogenome files in different format. The sequences whose sequence ids have
suffixs (if any) are not considered as our mitogenome of target species,
and they are output intendedly for further inspection by users. All sequences with ≥ 5
PCGs besides the mitochondrial sequences will be output by MitoZ intendedly.
If you run the assemble
or findmitoscaf
modules, the ZZZ.fasta
file will be work71.mitogenome.fa
We do not rename work71.mitogenome.fa
to be ZZZ.fasta
to aovid overwriting the ZZZ.fasta
file if you run
MitoZ in multi-kmer mode.
The individual gene sequences in fasta format, extracted from ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.gbf
The two files are generated by NCBI's tbl2asn program, describing related warnings and
errors for file ZZZ_mitoscaf.fa.gbf
. Thus, you should check this file to confirm if
there are any assembly or annotation problems.
For example, an InternalStop for protein coding genes can be caused by assemlby (e.g.,
there are Ns, or assembly errors), annotation, mutation, incorrect genetic code, or the
sequence simply comes from nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (NUMTs). You may inspect
the sequencing depth distribution of sequences around such regions from the
visualization result files (circos.png
and circos.svg
The mitogenome sequences from each kmer (e.g. kmer 71) assembly and their most closely related species.
If you run
module, you can ignore the two files,work71.mitogenome.fa
is the same asZZZ.fasta
file, whilework71.most_related_species.txt
is the same asZZZ.most_related_species.txt
. -
If you run
module, thework71.mitogenome.fa
is your mitogenome file. -
If you run MitoZ in multi-kmer mode, if one kmer assembly has very good results, then you can just use these two files as your mitogenome files, instead of the file
(describled in section 13.1 as below)
Below file are not part of the final mitogenome results, but are output just in case the users want to know more about those information instead of the mitogeome of target species.
These *.low_abundance*
and *.high_abundance*
files, which are the sequences with low abundances
or high abundances but not selected as outputs by MitoZ.
These sequences, together with the sequences whose sequence ids have _FivePCGs
suffixs in
and ZZZ.fasta
(if any), may be useful if, for
example, you want to find potential NUMTs, or want to know if there are some sequences
of non-target-species.
When you use other modules, some of those files (directories) may be absent.
module supports single-end data and pair-end data.
is amolst the same as all
, except that all2
doesn't filter the input fastq files.
Internally, all2
module runs assemble
, findmitoscaf
, annotate
and visualize
module sequentially.
Pair-end(PE) fastq files (clean.1.fq.gz
and clean.2.fq.gz
For pair-end data:
$ python3 all --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 8 \
--fastq1 clean.1.fq.gz \
--fastq2 clean.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 2 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda'
For single-end data:
$ python3 all --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 8 \
--fastq1 clean.1.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 2 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda'
module supports pair-end data and single-end data.
is to filter input raw fastq files (raw.1.fq.gz
and raw.2.fq.gz
), outputs clean fastq files (clean.1.fq.gz
and clean.2.fq.gz
Pair-end(PE) fastq files (raw.1.fq.gz
and raw.2.fq.gz
), and optional files 1.adapter.list.gz
and 2.adapter.list.gz
$ python3 filter \
--fastq1 raw.1.fq.gz \
--fastq2 raw.2.fq.gz \
--fastq3 clean.1.fq.gz \
--fastq4 clean.2.fq.gz \
--outprefix test
module supports single-end data and pair-end data.
is to assemble clean.1.fq.gz
and clean.2.fq.gz
, search for mitochondrial sequences from the assembly. Output is a mitochondrial sequence file in fasta format.
Internally, assemble
module will assemble the nuclear + mitochondrial genomes firstly with the input fastq
files, then invoke findmitoscaf
module to find out the mitogeome.
Pair-end(PE) fastq files (clean.1.fq.gz
and clean.2.fq.gz
For pair-end data:
$ python3 assemble --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 8 \
--fastq1 clean.1.fq.gz \
--fastq2 clean.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 2 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda'
For single-end data:
$ python3 assemble --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 8 \
--fastq2 clean.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 2 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda'
module supports pair-end data only.
is to search for the mitochondrial sequences from fasta file which contains non-mitochondrial sequences. Output is a mitochondrial sequence file in fasta format.
A file contains non-mitochondrial sequences.
If work71.scafSeq
is generated by SOAPdenovo-Trans or mitoAssemble, you can specify the option --from_soaptrans
, and in this case, work71.scafSeq
is the only input file you need.
Otherwise, you still need following two files as input,
$ python3 findmitoscaf --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 8 \
--from_soaptrans \
--fastafile work71.scafSeq
$ python3 findmitoscaf --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda \
--outprefix test --thread_number 8 \
--fastq1 clean.1.fq.gz \
--fastq2 clean.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 \
--fastafile work71.scafSeq
module supports single-end and pair-end data.
is to annotate the input mitogenome sequence, including protein coding genes (PCGs), tRNA genes and rRNA genes. Output is a genbank file containing mitochondrial genome sequences and annotation information.
e.g. mitogenome.fa
A fasta file containing the mitochondrial seqeunces.
$ python3 annotate --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda \
--outprefix test --thread_number 8 \
--fastafile mitogenome.fa
If you want to see the abundance along the mitogenome sequences, you will also need to set --fastq1
and/or --fastq2
module supports single-end and pair-end data.
module is to visualize the genbank file.
A Genbank file.
$ python3 visualize --gb
If you want to show sequencing depth along the mitogenome, you need to set --fastq1
and/or --fastq2
or --depth
when there are missing PCGs after you run MitoZ in quick mode (--run_mode 2
), you can try with the multi-Kmer mode (--run_mode 3
You should provide the quick mode assembly as input, including files:
, or a file (e.g.quickMode.fa
) which you convince containing the correct mitogenome sequences for your sample. And manually create a file (e.g.quick_mode_fa_genes.txt
) describing what PCG genes on each sequence, format:seqid1 PCG1 PCG2 seqid2 PCG3
in the directory of outprefix.assembly
$ python3 all2 --genetic_code 5 --clade Arthropoda --outprefix test \
--thread_number 12 --fastq1 clean.1.fq.gz --fastq2 clean.2.fq.gz \
--fastq_read_length 150 --insert_size 250 \
--run_mode 3 \
--filter_taxa_method 1 \
--requiring_taxa 'Arthropoda' \
--quick_mode_seq_file quickMode.fa \
--quick_mode_fa_genes_file quick_mode_fa_genes.txt \
--missing_PCGs ND4L ND6 ND2 \
--quick_mode_score_file work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.high_abundance_10.0X.reformat.sorted \
--quick_mode_prior_seq_file work71.hmmtblout.besthit.sim.filtered.fa
The result file is outprefix.multiKmer_seq_picked.clean.fa
under directory outprefix.assembly2
use the script useful_scripts/
Reorder your mitochondrial genome sequence so as to be same with your reference. this is potenially needed becasue assember do not break mitogenome in "0" position for some reasons.
Additionally, you can give a set of primer which is close to 0 position of mitogenome, (e.g. F15: CACCCTATTAACCACTCACG for human) so I can use this information to adjust the sequence order.
It supports three modes: (i). -f, using a reference guide; (ii). -p, using a human mitogenome primer set in a certain list(F15 or F361). However, it assumes that your primer is identical to sequence, complementary or reverse primer not acceptable!
If your mitogenome is circular, final reordered mitogenoem will be merely adjusted link orientation, if not, program will add 100 N between portions.
$ python3 -f mito.fasta -r ref.fasta
$ python3 -f mito.fasta -p L15
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE your mitogenome fasta
-r FILE reference fasta
-p STR primer set for [F15, F361], this is only for human
-m INT mismatch threshod for primer anchoring
- Make sure you sequence ID contains "topology=circular" or "topology=linear", this is important!
- If you want to use your own sequnce as primer bait, you can modify this python script, add you priemr sequence as a pair of KEY-VALUSE to dict of "primers", and make sure the numer is accurate, e.g. F15 means that primer starts at 15th base in sequnce.
- Primer sequence can contain a degenerate base, like R, Y, M ...
use the script useful_scripts/
$ python3
usage: [-h] {cut,comrev,sort,select} ...
A tool to deal with genbank records.
mengguanliang(at) genomics (dot) cn, BGI-Shenzhen.
positional arguments:
cut cutting sequences (5' and/or 3' end).
comrev get complement reverse of genbank records
sort sort the gene orders (input should all be circular
select output specific genbank records
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
use the script useful_scripts/
$ python3
Checking whether the sequences are circular when the sequences have
length >= 12Kbp
python3 <in.fasta> <outPrefix> <mismatch_allowed>
output files:
1. <outPrefix>.mitogenome.fa
All the sequences from <in.fasta>.
The sequence id line will be like:
>C1 topology=circular
>C2 topology=linear
For the circular mt sequence, the overlapping region (the second `ATGCNN`
below) has been removed (below is an example)
Assuming `ATGCNNNNN` is a circular mt sequence, `ATGCNN` are the overlapping
2. <outPrefix>.start2end_for-circular-mt-only
This file contains the circular sequences only, and the first 300 bp of each
has been moved to the end of the sequence, just for better reads mapping. You
can check the sequencing depth around the 'joining site' (-300 bp) using the
`annotate` module of MitoZ, to confirm if the sequence is really circular.
3. <outPrefix>.overlap_information
The overlapping sequence detected for the circular sequences.
use the script useful_scripts/
usage: [-h] -f <STR> -prefix <STR> [-seqPrefix <STR>]
[-types {CDS,rRNA,tRNA,wholeseq} [{CDS,rRNA,tRNA,wholeseq} ...]]
[-gi] [-p] [-t] [-s] [-l] [-rv] [-F]
extract any CDS or rNRA or tRNA DNA sequences of genes from Genbank file.
Note: the position on ID line is 1-leftmost! Seqid will be the value of
'/gene=' or '/product=', if they both were not present, the gene will not be
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f <STR> Genbank file
-prefix <STR> prefix of output file.
-seqPrefix <STR> prefix of each seq id. default: None
-types {CDS,rRNA,tRNA,wholeseq} [{CDS,rRNA,tRNA,wholeseq} ...]
what kind of genes you want to extract? wholeseq for
whole fasta seq.[CDS]
-gi use gi number as sequence ID instead of accession
number when gi number is present. (default: accession
-p output the position information on the ID line.
1-leftmost, same as in the Genbank file. [False]
-t output the taxonomy lineage on ID line [False]
-s output the species name on the ID line [False]
-l output the seq length on the ID line [False]
-rv reverse and complement the sequences if the gene is on
minus strand [False]
-F only output full length genes [False]
Guanliang Meng, Yiyuan Li, Chentao Yang, Shanlin Liu. MitoZ: A toolkit for mitochondrial genome assembly, annotation and visualization; doi: