A Kubernetes operator for Control Plane. This project allows you to manage many Control Plane resources using Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs).
- A Kubernetes cluster with Cert Manager installed.
- The Helm CLI
- A Control Plane account
If you don't already have a Kubernetes cluster, run the command below to get a local kind cluster up and running.
make cluster-quickstart
If you already have a cluster:
Install Cert Manager.
(Optional) Install ArgoCD.
- If you decide to install Argo later, you'll need to upgrade your Helm installation to enable Argo-specific features. To do so, run:
helm upgrade cpln-operator cpln/cpln-operator
Run the following commands:
helm repo add cpln https://controlplane-com.github.io/k8s-operator helm install cpln-operator cpln/cpln-operator
First, provision a Control Plane Service Account.
Create the Service Account as a member of the
group to start. Later, you can move it to a group with narrower permissions if you wish. -
Create a key, and store it somewhere for safekeeping.
Run the following command:
make install-secret org=your-org-name key=your-service-account-key
Create a custom resource for one of the supported kinds from the list below. The operator will use the secret you configured to sync the resource with Control Plane.
- All resources must contain the
property, which tells the operator what the target org is and, therefore, which secret to use. - Some kinds also require a
property, which tells the operator what the target GVC is. - Consult the custom resource definitions for information about the available and required fields.
- For GVC-scoped kinds, a namespace per GVC is recommended.
- For org-scoped kinds, a namespace per org is recommended.
Deleting a Kubernetes resource while the controller is installed and running will remove the corresponding resource from Control Plane. You can prevent this by adding a special annotation to the Kubernetes resource anytime before deletion, e.g.:
kind: gvc
name: fresh
namespace: default
cpln.io/resource-policy: keep
apiVersion: cpln.io/v1
description: fresh
org: kyle-test-org-2
tags: {}
dedicated: false
- //location/aws-eu-central-1
The operator integrates closely with ArgoCD. There is no special configuration needed for this to work. Once the operator is installed, you can point Argo at a Git repository containing YAML manifests or a Helm chart, and you're off to the races!
Here's a example Argo Application. It pulls a helm chart located in the repository: https://github.com/cuppojoe/argo-example.
Be sure to replace your-org-name-here
with your Control Plane org name. Note that the domain object in this example will not become healthy, since the domain
is not owned by your org. It is there for illustrative purposes only.
Simply save the yaml below to a file (e.g. app.yaml
), and run something like
kubectl -n argocd apply -f app.yaml
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: my-helm-app
namespace: argocd # This is usually where Argo CD is installed
project: default
server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' # Cluster API server URL
namespace: fresh # Target namespace in your cluster
repoURL: 'https://cuppojoe.github.io/argo-example/' # URL of your Helm repository
chart: argo-example # Name of the Helm chart
targetRevision: 0.2.3 # Chart version (can be a version, branch, etc.)
# Inline values override (optional)
values: |
org: your-org-name-here
prune: true # Automatically delete resources that are no longer defined in the chart
selfHeal: true # Automatically sync drifted resources
For a fresh install, run the commands below to print the initial admin password, and forward port 18081 to the Argo UI.
#print the initial admin password
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o json | jq '.data.password' -r | base64 -d -
#connect to the argo UI
kubectl -n argocd port-forward service/argocd-server 18081:443
Next, open a browser window and navigate to localhost:18081. Trust the self-signed certificate, and log in with user: admin, pass:
The operator supports:
(Secrets are a special case)
For security reasons, secret data must be stored using a native Kubernetes Secret object, not a custom resource. This makes it slightly different from the other kinds.
Note the app.kubernetes.io/managed-by
label, and the cpln.io/org
annotation in the example below.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: opaque
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: cpln-operator # Secrets without this label are ignored
name: secret
namespace: default
cpln.io/org: kyle-test-org # Replace this with your org name. This is required.
encoding: cGxhaW4= # plain
payload: c2VjcmV0LXZhbHVl # secret-value